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Statistics Mini Research – Project – RoyalCustomEssays

Statistics Mini Research – Project

The Anatomy of Buzz
November 2, 2018
“The Sleepers”
November 2, 2018

This mini-research project is worth 10 points – in replace to Lab -Work 2.
You are to work in groups of 4 or 5 people. It is up to the members of the group to make sure everyone
contributes equally. Plan your schedules so that you will have time to work together on the project outside
of class. The teacher will also create the groups in the Blackboard, then members of the group can discuss
their project through discussion board within the group.
Define the Problem
Begin by stating briefly the intellectual concern with the topic, indicating why it is worthy of study. Select a
topic and problem that you can gather various numerical and/or graphical presentation of data, whichever is
You are free to choose your own topic. Each member will share a topic and its importance within the group and
the group will select the best topic that will be proposed to the teacher for approval.
Make sure you choose a
topic for which it is feasible to gather the data in a relative short period of time. The question may be related to the
problems of students, teachers, staff, or others concerns encountered at JUC. It can be any topic of your interest. The
more response variables, the better. For example, the data gathered includes not only the answer to your problem or
point of interest but also the respondents age, major, year level, years of stay in the college, number of family
members, etc., that you can also use to present the data in different cases. However, make sure that the variables to
include will be used and important to the study.
The Study
Part 1: Collecting Data
Create a formatted survey that collects some form of numerical and categorical (quantitative and
qualitative) data.
Your sample size should be at least 50. (we will update you if this number will change)
Conduct your survey.
Part 2: Summarizing Data
Create a frequency table (raw, sorted, grouped or ungrouped) from your data.
Present an appropriate graphical summaries of your data. (a bar graph, a pie chart, a histogram, etc)
Calculate the mean and standard deviation of your data set, if applicable.
Find the median and first and third quartiles of your data set, if applicable.
Final Report (Write-Up)
This should be a typed report, (Times New Roman, 12pt, single-spaced, proofread, 1-inch margin in all borders)
written in complete sentences and collaboratively by all team members. Make sure it includes at least:
I. Introduction

Why did you choose this topic? What interest brings you to study this problem?


Purpose of the Study
What did you expect to find?

Importance of the Study
What is its importance? Have similar studies been done elsewhere? Who will benefit the result of your
II. Data Collection and Survey Instrument

How did you select your sample, population, sampling technique?

Data Collection Method
Questions for the Survey
How did you collect the data?

Analysis of Data
What was your response variable? How were these variables measured? Data Types and Data Levels

Limitation of the Study
III. Analysis of Results
What are the data issues encountered?
What are the biases encountered in the study. How did you control those biases? Did you have any
problems with non-response or other unexpected results? Did anything go wrong during the course
of the study? If you claim that there is no sampling bias at all, justify this claim! Explain thoroughly
why you believe this to be true.
What statistical procedures used in presenting and analyzing the data results, descriptive or inferential? Justify
and Discuss
Include frequency table and appropriate numerical and graphical summaries of your data, depending on your
Write several paragraphs explaining what you found in these data. What conclusions can you draw?
Be sure to refer back to the type of study conducted in explaining the scope of your conclusions.
Address both the question of connection and the question of whether you believe your findings generalize to a
larger population. (Note: All computer output should be included in the body of the report. Make sure all
figures and graphs are clearly labeled.)
IV. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
Summarize the results of your study.
What did you learn?
Did the data behave as you expected?
Review the methods used to collect the data. Is there anything you would do differently next time? How
might this affect the conclusions of the study? What similar questions might someone chose to investigate in
the future to build on your results?
What is the conclusion and recommendation of your study?
V. Appendices
Questionnaire, etc
Entire data set gathered
Rubrics of Evaluation: (Tentative)

1. Integration of Concepts
The paper demonstrates that the author fully understands and has applied concepts
learned in the course.
2. Depth of Discussion (Content)
In-depth discussion & elaboration in all sections of the paper.
3. Process Level
The exerted efforts in each step of the research study
4. Organization of Though/Presentation of the Report
Sentences and paragraphs are complete, well written, and varied. Summarizes
personal opinion in a strong concluding statement. No spelling and/or grammar
5. Originality 10%
TOTAL 100%

Timetable of Tasks

Week Due Task Remark
3 Group members information Submit to your teacher
3-4 Project Title/Topic with details Needs teacher’s approval
4 Part I – Introduction
5 Part II – Survey Instrument
6 – 9 Part II – Data Collection
Conduct the survey
9 Submission of the scanned
copy of the completed survey
Hardcopy to attached as
appendix in the research
study report
10 Summary input of data survey
in excel
11 Part III: Analysis of Result
12 Overall review of the study
Part IV: Summary Conclusion
and Recommendations
13 Presentation and final
submission of mini-research
Date is to be announced

Cover Page Format
Jubail University College-Female Branch
General Studies Department
Put your title here
A Mini – Research Project
Statistical Methods for Management I
Submitted by:
Surname, Name, Surname, Name
Surname, Name, and Surname, Name
Submitted to:
Teacher’s Name
Month Day, Year

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