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Employee Selection and Assessment – RoyalCustomEssays

Employee Selection and Assessment

Ideoplex Analysis Tester
November 12, 2018
Advanced Word Functionality
November 12, 2018

Assignment 1:

Introduction to Employee Selection and Assessment

You are employed as an HR consultant for a mid-sized bank. The bank employs 200 tellers across its branches. You need to recommend to the bank what to consider when hiring for the position of Bank Teller.

The following pages describes more details on KSAOs, pay statistics and desired factors for the candidate to possess.

For this first assignment there are three main tasks you need to


  • Assignment 1: Part A Employee Selection Exercise
  • Assignment 1: Part B Operationalizing Your Assessment
  • Assignment 1: Part C Apply Your Assessment Systems

All three tasks should be included in one paper not less than 5 complete pages (not 4½ or 4¾ pages) in length, double spaced (see Content>Course Resources>Three Major Assignments for assignment formatting and content directions), use tables when needed, and use APA format for referencing and citing. The following is the rubric to be used to measure your work.


Criteria Grade A

5 points

Grade B

4.25 points

Grade C

3.75 points

Grade D

3.25 points

Grade F

0 points

Part A





Completed all 6

selection method

justifications. The

answers showed a

thorough understanding

of selection methods.


Completed all 6 selection method

justifications. The

answers showed a

limited understanding

of selection methods.


One or more

selection method

justifications are

incomplete or



Two or more

selection method

justifications are

incomplete or




missing or



Part B


lizing Your



Completed all five


accurately. The

answers showed a


understanding of

rating assessment factors.


Completed all five


accurately. The

answers showed a


understanding of

rating assessment factors.


One or more

assessments are

incomplete or



Two or more

assessments are




missing or



Part C

Apply Your Assessment Systems

Completed table and three questions accurately.  The answers showed a thorough understanding of assessment systems. Completed table and three questions accurately.  The answers showed a limited understanding of assessment systems. Table or questions were not completed accurately or are unclear.  One or more errors were present. Table or questions were not completed accurately or are unclear.  Two or more errors were present. Completely

missing or



Writing Mechanics Strictly adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics:

Conventions of written English, including, but not limited to capitalization, page length, punctuation, spelling. No errors found. Technical jargon used.

Adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics:

Conventions of written English, including capitalization, page length, punctuation, spelling. 1 – 3 errors found. Some technical jargon used.

Minimally adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics:

Conventions of Written English, including capitalization and punctuation and spelling.  Over three errors found. Some technical jargon used.

Does not adhere to standard usage rules of mechanics:

Conventions of written English, including capitalization and punctuation and spelling.  Over 10 errors found. No technical jargon used.


missing or



APA Guidelines for in-text citations and References The paper correctly cites intext and lists at least 3resources on the References page linked to Web site.  If additional sources are used, they are included correctly. The majority of intext citations and references are properly cited and linked to Web site. Formatting is inconsistent/inaccurate in a few cases. Many APA references/intext citations not used, applied incorrectly or used another style. References not linked to Web site. Inconsistent or missing intext citations; fails to attribute an author’s word quote(s) through APA citations. Completely

missing or





Grade A

22.5 or more

Grade B

20 or more

Grade C

17.5 or more

Grade D

15 or more

Grade F 0

or more


Assignment 1: Introduction to

Employee Selection and Assessment

ASSIGNMENT ONE: Employee Selection and Assessment

For this exercise, assume you are employed as an HR consultant for a mid-sized bank. The bank employs 200 tellers across

its branches. The following is a partial job description and specification for the bank teller position, based on information

obtained from O*Net. O*Net, or the Occupational Information Network Resource Center, is an online database containing

information on hundreds of standardized and occupation specific descriptors

Bank Teller Tasks/Duties/Responsibilities

  • Cash checks for customers after verification of signatures and sufficient funds in the account.
  • Receive checks and cash for deposit.
  • Examine checks for endorsements and verify other information such as dates, bank names and identification.
  • Enter customers’ transactions into computers to record transactions.
  • Count currency, coins and checks received to prepare them for deposit.
  • Identify transaction mistakes when debits and credits do not balance.
  • Balance currency, coins and checks in cash drawers at ends of shifts.


  • Customer service skills.
  • Basic math skills.
  • Knowledge of verification requirements for checks.
  • Ability to verify signatures and proper identification of customers.
  • Ability to use accounting software.
  • High school diploma required, associate’s or bachelor’s degree preferred.
  • Previous work experience as a teller or related occupation (cashier, billing clerk) desired.

Key statistics (from O*Net):

  • The median 2005 wage for tellers was $10.24 (hourly), $21,300 (annually).
  • In 2004, there were approximately 558,000 tellers in the United States.
  • Projected growth for this job is slower than average.

Based on this information, the bank decides that the ideal candidate for this position will possess the following factors:

  1. Have at least a high school education (bachelor’s or associate’s degree desirable).
  2. Have experience as a teller or in a related field (cashier, billing clerk).
  3. Be able to perform basic math skills related to banking (for example, count currency quickly and accurately and balance a

cash drawer correctly).

  1. Be knowledgeable of verification requirements for bank transactions (for example, errors in checks and proper

identification to authorize transactions).

  1. Have good interpersonal skills (for example, speak clearly, make good eye contact and develop rapport easily).
  2. Be motivated to work.

© 2007 SHRM. Marc C. Marchese, Ph.D.


Assignment 1: Part A

Employee Selection Exercise

[A] Choose the selection methods: Identify which selection method (e.g., résumé, interview, test, role-play exercise,

reference check or personality inventory) you would recommend for each of the six factors listed above. You can use the

same selection method more than once if you believe it is appropriate for more than one factor. Below is an example of how

you might justify using an application form as an appropriate selection method for education.

  1. Education – selection method: _________________________________________


  1. Work experience – selection method: _________________________________________


  1. Math skills – selection method: ______________________________________________


  1. Verification knowledge – selection method: ___________________________________


  1. Interpersonal skills – selection method: _______________________________________


  1. Work motivation – selection method: _________________________________________


© 2007 SHRM. Marc C. Marchese, Ph.D.


Assignment 1: Part B

Operationalizing Your Assessment

[B] Operationalize your assessments: Now that you have identified selection methods for the six factors, you must decide how to score each of these assessments. Based on your responses in part A (“Choose the selection methods”), think about how each factor may be scored and develop a point system for that factor.

A common approach to performing this task is to have some type of numerical rating system that may include one or two minimum requirements. Your task is to develop a rubric (point system) to “score” applicants for each of the six factors. In developing your rubric, review the job description information. The “education” factor is provided for you below as an example. Remember that tellers need to have a high school diploma, according to the job specification. Applicants who do not meet this requirement are rejected. College degrees are preferred and receive more points in the example below.

  1. Education assessed via application form.

My assessment:

Points Highest Level of Education
10 Bachelor’s level or higher
6 Associate’s degree
3 High school diploma
Reject Less than high school diploma
  1. Work experience assessed via _________________________________________________

My assessment:

  1. Math skills assessed via _____________________________________________________

My assessment:

  1. Verification knowledge assessed via ___________________________________________

My assessment:

  1. Interpersonal skills assessed via _______________________________________________

My assessment:

  1. Work motivation assessed via _______________________________________________

My assessment:


Assignment 1: Part C

Apply Your Assessment Systems

(C) Apply your assessment systems: Listed below are applicants for the teller position. Based on your answers in part B

(“Operationalize your assessments”), score each of the applicants.

Sample applicant information







Education Associate’s degree H.S. diploma G.E.D. Bachelor’s degree
Work experienceStrong 4 years as a cashier 1 year as a teller 5 years as a sales clerk at a national retail clothing store chain Completed a semester internship at a bank
Math skills Very strong Marginal Satisfactory Good
Verification knowledge Marginal Strong Good Strong
Interpersonal skills Good Good Marginal Good
Work motivation Good Good Marginal Strong

Score the applicants

  Maria Lori Steve Jenna
Education 6 3 3 10
Work experience        
Math skills        
Verification knowledge        
Interpersonal skills        
Work motivation        

(a) Which applicants scored best based on the scores you entered into the table?

(b) What difficulties did you have applying your scoring system?

(c) Based on this applicant data, would you make any changes to your rubrics? If yes, please describe.


Assignment 1 Guidance


Technical Content:

  1. Please complete all 6 selection method justifications and show you thoroughly understand selection methods using HR technical jargon where appropriate.
  2. Please complete all 5 assessments accurately. Show a thorough understanding of rating assessment factors using technical jargon where appropriate.
  3. Please complete table and questions accurately. Show a thorough understanding of assessment systems using technical jargon where appropriate.
  4. You may use graphics to enhance your fact-based points-of-view.


Formatting:  In general, refer to syllabus’ “Requirements for all project written assignments.” (bolding is in syllabus)

  1. Please use clear syntax, correct grammar and spelling, and APA references and in-text citations. I strongly suggest you turn on your computer’s spell- and grammar-check software, develop and introduce a thesis statement very early in your writing as it keeps you focused.

–  American Psychological Association (APA) Formatting and Style Guide — APA OWL at Purdue:  https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

–  A Thesis Statement link: https://writingcenter.appstate.edu/sites/writingcenter.appstate.edu/files/Creating%20a%20Thesis%20Statement.pdf

I will deduct points for grammar, spelling and APA errors; especially if I cannot understand what you are telling me, e.g., run-on sentences.

  1. Conform to or exceed paper’s page length, margins, font size and style and no header- footer or page numbering – I can count your completed pages.
  2. Double-space between headings, subheadings, paragraphs and lines.
  3. Only title page (see syllabus for required information) and appendix/bibliography will be separate pages from main body of paper and will not count toward required page count.
  4. Link every Web reference to its Internet source.
  5. No PDF-formatted papers — .doc/.docx only. I cannot provide comments in the format I like if you use PDF.  If you use PDF, you will be asked to resubmit in Word and points will be deducted for not following directions.
  6. No bullets. I think students should be able to describe in paragraph format the ideas they are trying to convey.  It shows me they understand the concepts bullets cannot.


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