Answer all questions.
Question 1:
The file HousePrices.dta contain observations on the selling price and various characteristics of a sample of 321 homes from the years 1978 and 1981.
Part A:
Part B:
2. Immigrant Voices and the Struggle for Racial Justice
Immigrant Voices and the Struggle for Racial Justice. ISBN: 978-1849351669
You are asked to write a 700-1000 word essay. Student essays should reflect critical thinking, a clear understanding of the readings, historical awareness and analysis of the book’s central themes and ideas, and the ability to connect the readings to your own experiences and to the world around you. Remember that this is not a book review or summary. Instead, you are being asked to examine each book and to form connections to the world around you. Each essay must include the following:
• A concrete connection to the world today and related movements
• A concrete connection to your own experiences
• An analysis of the author’s central ideas and your reaction to those ideas
• Highlighting specific details and sections of the book that you find stimulating or challenging
An A essay is one where it is clear that the student has completed the reading and reflected on several of the author’s central ideas, relating them to the students of the book.