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COST ACCOUNTING – RoyalCustomEssays


Keith Darden and Anna Gryzmala-Busse, “The Great Divide”
November 29, 2018
The Army’s doctrinal principles
November 29, 2018

Learning Objectives
1. To apply the knowledge acquired in the course to conduct a thorough
analysis of cost information, managerial planning and performance evaluation.
2. To apply the appropriate tools of economic analysis, financial research and cost
information in planning and control.
General Guidelines
1. The project must be completed in groups of 3 members.
2. Only
one document per group will be accepted.
No late assignments will be accepted.
No Plagiarism.
5. This project demands extensive brain-storming. You should discuss this project with
classmates. Your instructor will only provide limited individual help.
6. Report – Complete Analysis
(10 points)
a. Must be hand-in digitally only through Aula Virtual.
b. Maximum fifteen (15) pages not including support information.
i. All sections of report properly titled.
c. All calculations must be provided in a separate section and usage of excel
must be hand in digitally.
d. APA style for citations.
e. This project should stand by itself. Use this document as a template to complete
your assignment using Microsoft Word (no handwriting will be accepted). Even
though this will be your template, your report should look like a professional
report and should not be bulleted as this document presents. Points will be taken
off if it is presented like that.
f. Material in color red is only to be used as an example. This information HAS to
change based on your product. If your product needs different Overhead Costs
(for example) you may add them as you deem fit.
g. You may use Excel to complete the tables and/or answers. Just make sure you
copy and paste the tables from Excel to your Word Document with the appropriate
labels. While pasting the tables, make sure that they fit in one page (do not split
between two pages) and font size should be at least 11.
7. Presentation – Present an overview of key issues and final conclusions
(5 Points)
a. Dates of presentation will be provided in class.
b. Maximum 10 minutes per presentation (as counted by a clock). After 10 minutes,
the teams
will not be able to continue presenting as they will be stopped by the
c. One team member selected at random seconds before the presentation will
present everything.
d. It Is required to use clear, concrete presentations and visual aids.
e. Additional 5 minutes of Q & A will be provided; ability to answer will be
evaluated. The team members who did not present will be the ones who answer
all the questions (if there are any).
f. Time management will be evaluated as well.
Assignment Requirements
1. Select a company from the service, manufacturing or merchandising sectors. You may
also use an imaginary company.
2. Choose one specific product from that company for this project. Make sure the product
needs at least three different processes to be produced.
For example, my company is UNIBE’s Premium Chips and the product I chose was a bag
of potato chips. There are three main processes used in the chips’ production.
Washing and Peeling the Potatoes.
Slicing and frying the potatoes.
Seasoning and Packaging the chips.
These chips are sold in 12 oz. bags (1 bag is a unit)
3. Table 1 should list the information on the direct materials. Consider this information to
be your standard.
Table 1: Direct Materials

Material Quantity per Unit Cost (in USD) Total Cost per Unit
Potatoes 5 Pounds 0.51 2.55
Seasoning 1 Ounce 0.05 0.05
Packaging 1 Bag 0.25 0.25
Total Cost per Unit 2.85

4. Direct labor information should be listed on Table 2. Consider this information to be
your standard.
Table 2: Direct Labor

Job Description Hours per Bag Rate per Hour Total Cost


Potato Washer and
0.1 11.75 1.175
Slicer and Fryer 0.04 11.75 0.47
Packager 0.06 11.75 0.705
Total Cost per Unit 2.35

5. Annual Overhead information is given in Table 3. Overhead is allocated based on direct
labor hours. Estimated annual direct labor hours are 15,000. Calculate a predetermined
OH rate (round to two decimal places if needed). Use this rate when you need to apply
Table 3: Yearly Overhead Costs

Cost Description Amount
Indirect Materials 7,440
Indirect Labor 60,600
Machine Maintenance 4,400
Electricity 6,740
Depreciation 7,500
Quality Testing 6,170
Total 92,850

6. Table 4 gives you the information for the last two months on the actual overhead cost.
Use this information to determine the fixed and variable portions of the cost (you will
need this information for table 5).
Machine hours have been determined as the best cost driver for separating mixed cost
into their fixed and variable portions. It takes approximately 12 minutes machine time or
0.2 machine hours for each bag of chips.
Table 4: Actual Overhead Cost for the last two months

Overhead Cost Description Month 1 Month 2
Indirect Material 620 620
Indirect Labor 5,050 5,050
Machine Maintenance 355 430
Electricity 540 675
Depreciation 625 625
Quality Testing 500 590
Machine Hours1 1,200 1,500

1 12 minutes of machine time per bag of chips (1/5 hour = 1 unit)
7. Table 5 is where you will list all your production cost, separated into their fixed and
variable components:
Table 5: Variable and Fixed Costs

Costs Description Variable Cost per Unit Fixed Cost per Year

8. Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) Relationships
a. Selling Price:
You sell a bag of chips for USD7.60
b. Breakeven Point: Calculate the breakeven point. Be sure to include the fixed
component of mixed cost into your fixed costs and the variable component in the
variable cost. Show your breakeven in Sales Unit and in Sales Dollars.
c. Profit Planning: Determine the number of units you must sell to make an annual
pre-tax profit using 3 assumptions concerning your net income (profit), both in
sales units and sales dollars.
i. Aggressive Profit (USD150,000)

9. Budgeting:
Conservative Profit (USD25,000)
Average Profit (USD87,120)

a. Create a sales budget using the information for earning an average profit for the
year. You will break the budget down into the four quarter for the year (think
about if your product could be a seasonal good or not, as this could change the
layout of your sales for each quarter or leave it fixed for all quarters). Use table 6
to complete the sales budget:
Table 6: Sales Budget

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total

b. Create a production budget for each quarter of the year (keep it in quarters to
keep it simpler). Mention what percentage of the next quarter’s sale you want to
come from ending inventory of the previous quarter. Use table 7 to complete this
Table 7: Production Budget

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total

10. Weighted Average Process Costing. Table 8 presents the information for the packaging
department. Complete the questions under table 8:
Direct materials are added 70% at the beginning of the process and the remaining 30%
are added when the chips are 50% complete with the packaging process. Direct labor and
overhead are added evenly throughout the process at the completion rate of the chips.
Table 8: Unit and Cost Information

1,000 (chips
are 40%
5,100 300 338 150.60
27,200 132,798
Ending WIP 2,200 (Chips
are 30%

Added during Quarter 1:
Direct Materials: USD7,962.
Direct Labor: 1,600 hours @ USD12.00 per hour.
Overhead is applied based on predetermined OH rates and actual DL hours
a. Determine the number of units completed during quarter 1.
b. Compute the equivalent units using the weighted average method.
c. Compute the cost per equivalent unit using the weighted average method.
d. Compute the cost of goods transferred to finished good inventory.
e. Computed the ending balance in WIP packaging.
11. Afterwards, imagine actuals for quarter 1 are in and your product sold 30% more units
than what was budgeted, but the selling price was 15% less than previously conceived.
Calculate revenue and compute cost of goods sold (total and per unit) before adjusting
for actual OH cost.
Tables 9 and 10: Actual Results

Units Sold Sales Price Revenue


Units Sold Sales Price COGS

12. Actual direct material for the main material usage for quarter one was 10% higher but at
a price 5% lower than expected. Calculate the direct materials variances for the direct
materials (price, usage, total) and indicate if these variances are favorable or unfavorable.
Table 11: Direct Materials Variances for Main Material

Price Variance
Usage Variance
Total Variance

13. Actual direct labor hours for the quarter were 200 more than what was expected at the
same rate. Calculate the direct labor variances (rate, efficiency and total) and indicate if
these variances are favorable or not.
Table 12: Direct Labor Variances

Rate Variance
Efficiency Variance
Total Variance

14. For the next quarter you have been asked to supply a special order of your product from
a non-profit organization. The client wants a custom package that will increase the cost
of packaging by 3%. They requested 10,000 units of your product. Based on your
projections, you have the capacity for this order. What is the minimum price per unit and
total price you would be willing to accept on this order? (You can’t afford to take this offer

at a loss, but you are fine accepting it at breakeven point). Use your standard costs
15. Determine over or under applied overhead and cost of good sold. Actual OH costs are
given below (look at information #13 for actual DL hours used to apply OH). Determine
the new cost of goods sold.
Table 13: Actual OH Cost for Quarter 1

Cost Description Amount
Indirect Materials 5% less
Indirect Labor As Expected
Machine Maintenance 10% More
Electricity 5% More
Depreciation As Expected
Quality Testing 10% Less

Amount of applied OH.
Amount of actual OH.
Under or over applied amount.
New COGS amount.

Place Order