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Is College the Best Option? – RoyalCustomEssays

Is College the Best Option?

social psychology
January 17, 2019
Apix expansion project.
January 18, 2019

Throughout these first few weeks of class, we have been reading different perspectives on one central issue: is college the best option for everyone? From this broad, general question stems several other questions which address our personal, professional, and social lives and the role of education. This is your opportunity to join one of these conversations about education—something that is relevant and important to you, as a student.

For this essay, you will join a conversation about the role of education. First, you will choose an essay (“they say”) from They Say/I Say in “Ch. 17: Is College the Best Option?” to which your response (“I say”) is either agreement, disagreement, or mixed feelings. We will have read many of these articles and discussed them in class, but you are welcome to respond to any other article from the chapter as well. Then, you will expand your response by researching and making connections between ideas.

After you have gained a clearer understanding of the conversation around the chosen issue, take, develop, and support a specific position on it. Follow the guidelines in They Say/I Say as you plan and write. A possible response to the “they say” may involve solving a problem or improving a situation through a particular course of action.


  1. focused argument presented with organized structures
  2. effective development of ideas using research and analysis (“they say/ I say”)
  3. attention to research and MLA formatting
  4. appropriate use of language, grammar, and mechanics

Basic Requirements

  • 800-1000 words double-spaced (not including Works Cited)
  • Separate Works Cited page
  • MLA format: 12 pt. TNR font; header w/ last name & page number; heading with your name, professor’s name, class, and date; title; proper in-text citations
  • At least 3 reliable sources
  • Paper copy submitted in class and electronic copy submitted to Turnitin.com


(10% of course grade)

Objective Description Point Breakdown
Focus & Organization Organization The essay remains focused throughout; organizational components (e.g. introduction, thesis statement, transitions, topic sentences, etc.) are used effectively. * Focus: 10 pts Focus: 10 pts.
Organization: 10 pts.


(20 pts.)

Thesis Thesis is clear & concise; reflects thought, insight, and originality and challenges the reader to see the topic in a new way Clarity: 10 pts.
Originality: 10 pts.

(20 pts.)

Idea Development Ideas are thoroughly developed using “they say” and “I say”; each paragraph effectively develops one distinct idea; summary, paraphrase, and quotation are introduced and explained. Idea development: 10 pts.
Integration of “they say”: 10 pts.


(20 pts.)

Research & MLA At least 3 reliable sources are used; MLA format is used correctly, including in-text citations; Works Cited formatted correctly. Sources: 5 pts.
MLA format: 5 pts.

(10 pts.)

Usage Language used within the essay is appropriate for academic writing; grammar errors do not disrupt communication; spacing, punctuation, and spelling conform to standard rules. Academic Writing: 5 pts.
Grammar: 5 pts.
Spacing: 3 pts.
Punctuation: 5 pts.
Spelling: 2 pts.

(20 pts.)

Writing Process Writing process includes submission of rough draft and participation in individual conference; rough draft is thorough and at least 50% of final draft in terms of idea development Rough draft: 5 pts.
Conference attendance: 5 pts.


(10 pts.)

Total possible points: 100 pts. (10% of final grade)



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