Euthanasia can be described as the merciful taking away of an individuals’ life or the act through an individual is put to death with him or her feeling a lot of pain, as by withholding the extreme medical measures an human being or an animal suffering from a disease or a condition that cannot be cured.However,in most of the present countries such as the Uk,the act is considered illegal .Some of the health organizations such as the National Health Services also argue that, it is illegal to assist somebody in taking his or her life. Hence the government of U.K has set a rule stating that, a person found to be assisting the other in committing suicide shall be prisoned for 14 years. In the United States of America, this varies with some states taking it into consideration while some do not recognize the law. Advocacy paper on Euthanasia
Classification of euthanasia-Advocacy paper on Euthanasia
Also, euthanasia is categorized into two classes namely: voluntary and involuntary euthanasia. Voluntary euthanasia is conducted with and individuals consent. In the year 2009, voluntary euthanasia was legalized in nations such Belgium, Netherlands and United States of America. On the other hand, involuntary euthanasia is performed with the patients’ consent or knowledge. In most situations, decisions of involuntary euthanasia are always made by different people since the patient may unable to make the decision. In addition, there are also existing procedural categorizations of euthanasia. They include; passive and active euthanasia. Passive euthanasia involves the holding of the life supporting treatment either by the doctor or anybody who is incharge.For example, a doctor can prescribe an overdoes of a drug on a patient. This would eventually be toxic to the patient hence taking his or her life. This would not be considered as euthanasia since the doctor did not have any intention of taking away the patients life. Active euthanasia can be defined as the use of forceful ideas or substance in ending up the life of a patient. It is more controversial as compared to passive euthanasia since people are torn by the moral, ethical and religious arguments that surround the issue. Advocacy paper on Euthanasia