DescriptionDetails please refer to study guide P.16-17, P.23-24Please pick a wireless haedphone company – Bragi if possible, or other international company.Length of report: 1,000 ? 1,200 words (excluding references, tables & figures and appendices)Assignment must be in report format with headings and sub-headings.Times New Roman or Arial font size: 12. 1.5/2x line spacing. double spaceHarvard referencing style1.Introduction
2.Background of organisation
(e.g. current operations, product/service offering, positioning, markets, financial situation, distribution networks etc)
3.Competitor analysis (brief overview of the main direct/indirect competitors)
4.SWOT Analysis
a) SWOT analysis table ? draw a table and please specify at least 5 points in each quadrant
b) Explanation and discussion of SWOT Analysis Elements (based on 4 a)
Note: Please do not use Any Models in this section ie Porter?s Five Forces, Positioning Maps).
5. Conclusion
6. References
7. Appendices (if any)