who ever the poet is that you find
Paper details:
Essay #1
1. Choose any poet besides Walt Whitman whose work has been banned anywhere in the world. I challenge you to explore to find someone completely new and unknown to you. The poem itself does not have to have been banned. you must choose a different school of Literary ( so for my choice of school of literary criticism is Structural Criticism ) to analyze the poem in this essay.
2. Give a brief history of the poet’s life and tell why his/her work was banned.
3. Then using the school of Literacy Criticism you chose analyze the poem.
4. Conclude your essay by stating if you feel it was correct to ban the author’s work or not and why.
YOUR ESSAY SHOULD BE 500 TO 750 WORDS LONG. Please double space. Please include a Works Cited page and cite your sources using MLA Format. IF YOU SUBMIT IT AS AN ATTACHMENT, PLEASE SUBMIT IN “rtf” (rich text format) so that I will be able to open it.
the file I upload is what the paper should look like. example only. directions above for the essay
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