You are the unit supervisor of the new rehab unit at a hospital. In staffing the unit your constraints are as follows:
1.All staff must be licensed
2.The ratio of LPN to RNs is one to one.
3.An RN must always be on duty
4.Your budget NCH/PPD is 8.2
5.You are not counted into the NCH/PPD, but ward clerks are counted.
6.Your unit capacity is seven, and you anticipate a daily average census of six.
7.You must use any mode of patient care organization.
Your patients will be chronic, not acute, but will be admitted for an active 2 to 12 week rehabilitation program. The emphasis will be in returning the patient home with adequate ability to perform activities of daily living. Many other disciplines will be part of the rehab team.
You have hired four full-time RNs and two Part-time RNs. The part-time RNs would like to have at least 2 days of work in a 2-week pay period, and in return for this work guarantee, they have agreed to cover most sick days and vacations and some holidays for your regular RN full-time staff.
You have also hired three full time LPNs and two part time LPNs. However, the part time LPNs would like to work at least 3 days per week. You have decided not to hire a ward clerk, but to use the pediatric ward clerk four hours each day to assist with various duties. Therefore, you need to calculate the ward clerkâs 4 hours each day into the total hours worked.
Assignment: Show a 24-hour and 7 day staffing pattern.