The importance of holding a formal qualification of Beauty and Dermal Therapy
The importance of holding a formal qualification of Beauty and Dermal Therapy
Order Description
e 1000-word essay must focus on the importance of holding a formal qualification in the field
of beauty and dermal therapy. The essay must also contain the following three subheadings:
1. Background of Cosmetic Medicine and Beauty Therapy in Australia (approx. 450 words)
You’ll need to consider the types of services offered in a traditional beauty salon 5 to 10
yrs ago. For example, facials, waxing, manicure etc, and compare that to the services
offered in a modern skin clinic. The same applies to a cosmetic surgery practice. 5 to 10
yrs ago, cosmetic surgeons only offered surgery, they now offer a range of non-surgical
and dermal therapy procedures to enhance surgical results and capture a larger
2. The Importance of Achieving a Formal Qualification in Dermal Therapies (approx. 330
3. My Goals and Aspirations as a Dermal Therapist (approx. 330 words)
Presentation of the Essay
The essay must be submitted in the following criteria:
1. Typed on white paper with size 12 font (Helvetica or Times New Roman)
2. Coverpage with your name and title: The Importance of Achieving a Formal Qualification
in Dermal Therapies
3. Stapled in left corner, with NO plastic folder
4. Reference page (list your information sources)