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How has the Internet Affected you? Or your work Or Finances? – RoyalCustomEssays

How has the Internet Affected you? Or your work Or Finances?

Consider an economy with technological progress but without population growth that is on its balanced
July 2, 2018
Econ 100 Winter 2015 Problem set 1
July 2, 2018

1. How has the Internet Affectedyou? Or your work Or Finances?[Your Financials, Banking, Stock Trading,[One Page. Write itCar Buying, Hobby, Travel, Downloads..]down. Revise it, and2. How has Internet affected yourre-focus it as youwork place / Company?progress][Operations, competition, supply-chain,selling, and Profitability ]3. If you want to start an InternetBusiness, what should you do?Why?4. Why some businesses fail?5. How has the Internet Affectedthe Economy? Major company?End ofJustification of theWhy is this issue important to look at?WeekResearch-What is the severity and consequence ofThree2 pages.the problem?[Jan 25,15] 1 page prior research -How does a better understanding of theWrite it downproblem (issue) going to help us? $$$- Who has benefitted, how much?End ofCollect Sample DataWhat data do you need to research theWeek Four And identifyproblem?[Feb 1, 15] Research Design.-What kind of data analysis method doStart writingyou employ?[10 pages]-How to answer your research questions?A large amount of financial data, that isdirectly downloadable into excel isavailable in numerous places. Everymajor Librarian will be able to help youdownload this finance data. For example,banking data from FDIC.GOV; Companydata: finance. yahoo.com,Bloomberg.comEnd ofResults, Discussion,1. Interpret and discuss the results youWeek FiveConclusion and Policy obtained from your financial and or[Feb 8, 15] Implicationquantitative analysis.[10 pages];- 2. What conclusion can you make fromContinue Writingyour study?Finish First Draft of – 3. Do your findings lead you to make anyPaperpolicy recommendations?End ofRevise, Rewrite,Write, Rewrite, Synthesize, Reorganize,Week SixImprove Presentation improve presentation[Feb 15, 15] and Submit FinalDraft of the paperDEADLINE Feb 15, 201520 pagesIn the introductionclearly state theissue you arelooking at. Aim atoriginality asmuch as possible,either in terms ofthe researchquestion, or theway the issue isframed, oranalyzed.Identify, Read tenresearch articles;Anyone addressedthis problem, or asimilar one? Howdid they do it?Bloomberg.comhas data of 1,000pages for eachmajor company.Major Librariesenable access toall subscribers. FIUstudents only candownload this Infofrom the StateFarm FinancialLiteracy Lab.Suggestions for Grading Assessment Rubric for Internet Research PaperACTIVITYOriginality;Uniqueness ofIdea; Focus ofproblemResearch Work,Hypothesis,Methodology andData CollectionFinancial Analysisand AnalyticsPresentation andDiscussionBASICOr Average10 to 60%Simple, Old topic;Lacks Focus.INTERMEDIATEOr Very good61 to 80%Good Focus, andwell definedADVANCED orExceptional81 -100%Very well defined;Very focused.Points30% of grade30 Points25%7.5 points1 to 4.5 pointsMinimal researchwork; Incompleterepresentations;Dearth ofknowledge orunderstanding ofProblem; Lacksfocus.1 to 4.5 points4.5 to 6 pointsSolid research.GoodComprehension ofProblem andGoodrepresentation;Sound Data setand Adequateresearch.4.5 to 6 pointsLack Rigor; andRigorous and goodinadequate set up; methodology;Insufficient andVery goodPoor Analysis.analysis.6.1 to 7.5 pointsExcellentresearch. Superiorunderstanding ofproblem; andlatest, relevantresearch; elegantdata collectionand synthesis.6.1 to 7.5 points.1 to 4.5 pointsMany grammaticaland spellingerrors. Poordisplay andwriting.Incomplete.1 to 4.5 points6.1 to 7.5 points.No errors.Rigorous andconcise displayand excellentwriting skills.4.5 to 6.0 pointsMinimal errors.Appropriate usageand good displayand writing skills;convincingarguments.4.5 to 6.0 pointsExcellent Analysis;Excellent metricsand logicalconclusions25%7.5 points25%7.5 points25%7.5 points6.1 to 7.5 points100%

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