week 3 dis 1″Attribution and Social Learning” Please respond to the following:Go to Head First Labsâ Website and read âThe Head First Formulaâ, located at .com/readme.php”>http://headfirstlabs.com/readme.php. The Head First Labsâ books offer just-in-time learning, the idea of acquiring just enough knowledge to get by, where and when you need it. Next, contrast the advantages and disadvantages of just-in-time learning. Evaluate whether or not this is a valid and worthwhile investment to help increase the productivity within an organization. Describe your personal experience(s) with just-in-time learning.week 3 dis 2″Social Learning Theory Reflection” Please respond to the following:Use the Internet to research a social learning theory applicable to the workplace that is not addressed in Chapter 4. Then, determine whether the social learning theory that you researched can be applied your current or past work experience. Support your reasoning.