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Recruitment & Selection Strategy Recommendation – RoyalCustomEssays

Recruitment & Selection Strategy Recommendation

Describe a public issue and how it has evolved through the public issue’s life cycle
May 26, 2020
What a health provider need to know
May 26, 2020
[Recruitment & Selection Strategy Recommendation 
This template/guideline has been provided to you to help you with writing your report.  The structure draws from the SPSE structure, as taught in MGTS7610, and illustrated below.  Once you have prepared your own content, please delete all the guidelines given to you in italic text.  Make sure you cite the appropriate literature and include a reference list.]


[Replace this graphic with a picture that is relevant to your role or your organization, as you wish]
[Name your Report]
Insert Your name | MGTS7612 | And the date

Total Word Count	9999
Exec Summary Word Count	Subtract from total
Word count in up to 3 tables	Subtract from total
Word count in Appendices	Subtract from total
Assignment Word Count	~3000 +/- 10%
Executive Summary (~300 words)	2
1.	Introduction (~200 words)	3
Role Context	3
2.	Recruitment Strategy (~800 words)	3
Key Issues	4
Recommended Recruitment Approach	4
3.	Selection Strategy (~800-1000 words)	6
Key Issues	6
Selection Criteria	7
Recommended Selection Approach	7
4.	Implementation (~ 400words)	9
5.	Appendices	10
Position Description	10
Draft Recruitment Advertisement – copy	10
Any other relevant material	10
6.	References	11

Executive Summary (~300 words)
[A series of 4-5 paragraphs that address the following topics.  Think about the length of paragraphs.  Just convey one main idea with the supporting information per paragraph]
Overall or global statement of outcome/recommendation/deliverables.
•	The first paragraph communicates the key message (main or general recommendation/outcome/deliverable of the document).
Background and significance.
•	The second paragraph provides the background situation to the problem or needs that have motivated this project.
Brief analysis of the situational needs/problems.
•	The third paragraph provides more specific details of the problem or need.
Proposed solutions to the problem(s).
•	Leads into the recommendation to solve the problem or meet the situational needs.
•	Might also include brief discussion of important points about costs, benefits.
Recommended solution/option/and justification or concluding statement.
•	The final paragraph states the specific solution and provides a general justification of taking this option.
Address the timeframe and next step from this point. ]
 	Hot Tip:
•	Write this last.
•	Make sure you VERY BRIEFLY discuss your whole recruitment and selection strategy and implementation approach in the Executive Summary, not just the recruitment strategy.
•	No need to list the specific tools or approaches that you are using.  Just give an overview and 1-2 examples.

1.	Introduction (~200 words)
[Write 1-2 paragraphs to introduce the report and outline the purpose of the report and audience for the report.  
Use the Opening Paragraph (Situation) model
Thesis statement
Role Context
[Provide the Position Title, Organisation, Location, Reporting Structure and Employment type, perhaps in a table for easy reading.]
[Write 1-2 paragraphs about the business objectives for filling the role.  This is the overall problem to be addressed in this report.  Consider the trigger for the recruitment (recent vacancy, new role, growth in the department).  Consider the outlook for the organisation (growth, decline).  What might this mean for this role?  POSSIBLE SOURCES: media reports, company website
Use the (Problem) model paragraph
Topic Sentence
Explanation + Tie]
2.	Recruitment Strategy (~800 words)
[Your aim is to develop a well targeted recruitment strategy that:
•	Provides a fair playing field for all potential candidates
•	Attracts the interest of the right talent pool: focused on active and/or passive jobseekers, according to your analysis of the labour market
•	Builds a realistic understanding of the job and company
•	Retains the ones most likely to be successful and encourages them to apply]
Key Issues
[Write 1-2 paragraphs about anyspecific issues or aspects you may need to address in your recruitment strategy to ensure it is well-targeted.  
Consider the relevant labour market characteristics for the country and location of the role.  What is the unemployment rate in the hiring location?  Will that make it easy or difficult to source appropriate candidates?  Think about demand and supply of candidates in the industry or profession.  
 	Hot Tip:
Make it clear whether your analysis leads you to focus mostly on active candidates or mostly on passive candidates.
SOURCES:  government websites, relevant professional association websites/ magazines, relevant industry associations website/ magazines.]
[Write 1-2 paragraphs about the role overall.  What about this role might be especially important or make it difficult to attract the right candidates?  What are some likely target groups for candidates?  Eg. older workers, MBA graduates, candidates outside the local market.  These then need to tie into the choices you make for your recruitment media
SOURCES: Position Description, organisations website, personal contacts.
Use the (Problem) model for these paragraphs
Topic Sentence
Explanation + Tie]
Recommended Recruitment Approach
[Taking both above points into account, write a paragraph that summarisesthe overall approach you recommend for your recruitment strategy.
Use the (Solution) model for this paragraph
Topic sentence
Explanation + Tie]
[Then outline the specific characteristics of your advertising strategy]
Media	Message	Timing	Costs	No. Candidates
What is the type and specific name of the media you will use eg. “National Newspaper, The Financial Review”

	What is the headline message you will use to target your desired candidates eg “Choose your own media adventure”	When and how long will you run the advertising campaign for? Eg “Two Fridays, one week apart”	What do you estimate it will cost for the whole campaign? Eg “$6000”	How many candidates do you expect to source from this media?

 	Hot Tip:
Make sure your choice of media aligns with your focus on active vs passive candidates.
[Justify each media choice by describing each approach briefly and provide the argument that links the requirements of the role or situation with the evidence that you have that this will be an effective approach.  
Think about how a mix of media can communicate different messages for different or overlapping audiences.  What options are available and effective in your hiring location?  What is a reasonable mix of low cost vs high-cost but more targeted options?  How do the costs relate to the salary of the role?  Is the cost a reasonable investment for the value of the role to the organization?
SOURCES: Recruitment literature review papers for strengths/gaps for different media, internet research for indicative costs, innovative ideas,
 	Hot Tip:
Review the course reading list of papers from Weeks 3 and 4.  Use the evidence from these papers to help you choose effective media options and justify your choice.
[Use the Argumentative Genre for these paragraphs:
3.	Selection Strategy (~800-1000 words)
[Your aim is to prepare a selection strategy that will help you choose the target number of candidates from the expected volume of applications as a result of your recruitment strategy.  It should:
•	Use valid and reliable methods where performance on the selection assessments is likely to predict successful on-the-job performance.
•	Avoid adverse impact on possible minority candidates
•	Provide a positive applicant experience
•	Align with the employer brand
•	Be efficient and fit-for-purpose for the role and the organisation]
Key Issues
[Write 1-2 paragraphs about the problems/issues you need to address in your selection strategy to ensure it is valid, reliable and fit-for-purpose.  
Consider the organisation, location and industry to understand the type of selection methods normally in use.  Consider your essential and desirable KSAO’s and the best approach to measure them.  Consider the volume and location of the likely applicants.  What are the screening steps you will need to apply to narrow the field of candidates to a field of 2-3 for the final decision?
 	Hot Tip:
Make sure you include all the steps needed, including background checks and consider person-organisation or person-career fit if that is relevant for your role.

SOURCES:  organisations website, selection literature, practice literature
Use the (Problem) model for these paragraphs
Topic Sentence
Explanation + Tie]
Selection Criteria

[write 1-2 paragraphs and use lists and references to your Person Specification as needed to address your prioritisation of specific KSAO’s into essential and desirable and those not to be considered at this stage.]

Recommended Selection Approach [Taking the above points into account, write a paragraph that summarises the overall approach you recommend for your selection strategy. Use the (Solution) model for this paragraph Topic sentence Elaboration Example Interpretation Explanation + Tie] [Then outline the specific characteristics of your selection strategy. Adjust the table below as needed to accommodate your screening and selection steps.] • Hot Tip: • You might need up to 5 or 6 steps. It might be easier to present this information in a different way. Don’t only have 3 steps because that is what is shown below. • Please make sure you write the names of each tool you use in the table. Don’t leave “Tool 1” etc there. It makes it much harder to read. • If you use a table, and it goes over more than one page, please make sure to go to Layout>Repeat Header Rows so your table is legible Selection Step 1ststep 2ndstep …Nth step Expected no. of candidates 250 ??? ??? ??? KSAO’s Tool 1 Tool 2 Tool 3 Tool 4 Knowledge – Xxxx – xxxx   Skills – Xxxx – xxxx    Abilities – Xxxx – xxxx    Other Characteristics – Personality traits – Xxxx – Specific Experience – Xxxx – Qualifications – xxx       Career Fit – xxxxxxx  [Justify your design of the selection process by describing each step briefly and provide the argument that links the requirements of the role or situation with the evidence that you have that this will be an effective approach. Think about the match of the selection tool to the KSAO that you plan to assess. Consider its practicality for use with the number of applicants you need to process. What options are available and effective in your hiring location? How does the cost or complexity relate to the value of the role to the organization? You MUST be specific about your choice of tools. If you are going to use assessments for abilities or personality, you must state the name and supplier of the assessment. Refer to the activities from Week 6 for some ideas. SOURCES: Selection literature review papers for strengths/gaps for different selection tools, internet research for appropriate assessment tools, indicative costs, innovative ideas, Hot Tip: Review the course reading list of papers from Weeks 5 and 6. Use the evidence from these papers to help you choose effective selection tools for your purpose and justify your choice. [Use the Argumentative Genre for these paragraphs: 4. Implementation (~ 500 words) [Write 4-5 short paragraphs to address how you will implement and manage this recruitment and selection process. You should briefly discuss your: o Resourcing approach. o Timeframes for the main steps. o Data to collect as metrics for process effectiveness o Any legal, ethical and diversity issues you took into account o Indicative costs where possible and practicality of the overall approach. Use the SPSE structure where you may use the paragraphs like this: Opening Paragraph (Situation – overview of the implementation approach) Body Paragraph (Problem – resourcing, costs and timeframes) Body Paragraph (Solution – resourcing, costs and timeframes) Hot Tip: Use a simple table with major steps and the number of day/weeks to outline your timeframe. Make sure it is clear how long your process will take overall. Body Paragraph (Problem – legal, ethical and diversity issues) Body Paragraph (Solution – legal, ethical and diversity issues) Hot Tip: Make sure you include at least 2 specific actions to address legal, ethical ¬or diversity issues. Don’t stop at describing the problem. This should cover both recruitment and selection strategies. Closing Paragraph (evaluation – data to collect, process effectiveness)]   5. Appendices

[each of these should start on a new page]

Hot Tip: Don’t forget to include your PD and your Recruitment Advertisement. Otherwise you will miss out on quite a few marks. Position Description

[include your final version]

Hot Tip: • Make sure you have got your KSAO’s perfectly right now. • Make sure you have sufficient skills listed that will mean your candidate can do the tasks listed in the job description. • Please, please, please DON’T include your previous cover letter Draft Recruitment Advertisement [Your wording must be final and reflect your position description. It must reflect the design approach for media that you will use it in. You must have incorporated any feedback you received from your previous assignment. Detailed formatting is optional. It should include: Attention getting layout Eye-catching title Visually appealing Sufficient info about the following to help applicants self select in or out – Job duties – Rewards – Minimum attributes required – The company – The location Easy steps for the candidate to take action Words/images that creates a strong positive image of the company Words/images that encourages diverse applicants ] Hot Tip: • Make sure you indicate which media you have designed your advertisement for. • Make sure that the minimum attributes that will help a potential candidate select OUT of applying for your job are VERY clear. Any other relevant material   6. References

[you must use a minimum of ten (10) good quality, peer reviewedjournal articles to support your arguments. At least seven (7) of these MUST be drawn from the MGTS7612 reading list provided. You may also draw on other good quality sources as appropriate but avoid references to text books and other random, irrelevant papers you may find on the Internet.

You may also draw on other good quality sources from the grey literature as appropriate. All sources must be appropriately cited and referenced. List your references alphabetically and use the Academy of Management Journal style (AMJ)]

Hot Tip: • Look for references in the course reading list before you look for references from any other source. • If you use references from other sources, make sure they are about recruitment for employment, not recruitment for clinical or health trials. • Make sure not to use the authors first names in your citations or references. You should use their family name and initial eg Martin, T.,

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