Assessment 3 – Netbasics – Practical Submission Document Instructions to Students In conjunction with the Works Request provided in Blackboard; follow each of the instructions detailed in that Works Request. Provide screen captures, and any necessary explanation for each of the steps in the space provided below. It is essential that your lecturer observes each step of this assessment. 1. Configure basic Windows server 2. Configure IP addresses 3. Configure Active Directory system 4. Check DNS 5. Create User Accounts 6. Join domain with client machine 7. Create DHCP scope, and change client to use DHCP 8. Create printer queue 9. Connect to printer with client 10. Create backup regime 11. Complete Works Request sheet 12. Complete Requirement table below List the system requirements of the chosen Windows Server & match it with the PC you have been provided using technical manuals you have sourced: Component Requirement PC Provided Match? Processor Memory Disk Space Display Other Any modifications required? ________________________________________________ 13. Get job signoff or approval from supervisor/lecturer ------------------------------oO --- END --- Oo-----------------------------