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Innovation and Entrepreneurship – RoyalCustomEssays

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

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Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Innovation and  Entrepreneurship      

Instructions to Candidates:

  1. Do not open this project paper until the teacher tells you.
  2. This project paper consists of 8 pages (including this cover sheet)
  3. Students are expected to respect the College code of Academic honesty and conduct themselves according to these standards. Students who violate academic integrity standards during the exams will be subject to disciplinary measures as stated in the Student Academic Integrity Policy in the student handbook. 4. Late handover of assignment will carry negative marking Grading Scheme:

Interview of an Entrepreneur

Team Name –

Marks: 70 –equated to 20

see  Mark R  ubric

Learning Outcomes Addressed

  1. Examine the importance of entrepreneurial ecosystems and innovation clusters to healthy society and economies CLO2 (Apply)
  2. Demonstrate skills for formation of effective teams and practices for team culture development that respect diversity CLO3 (Apply)
  3. Differentiate between an idea and a viable opportunity CLO 4 (Apply)

The Assignment

The activities in this assignment are focused on you arranging and carrying out an interview of an entrepreneur from your community. This entrepreneur could represent a non-profit enterprise or a commercial one, and could be in manufacturing, retailing, or service industries.

You should schedule completion of the various phases of the assignment over a three-week period.

The Requirements: In your groups, Interview an entrepreneur approximately 25 questions and you are expected to present the interview as a video or a podcast (Maximum 10 minutes in length).Write a 200 word individual blog based on the interview. Focus on the most relevant and interesting information from the interview. Do not try to get every piece of information from the interview on paper. The report should stress the interesting facts, not the mundane. NOTE: Follow the RUBRIC as a guide too.Please make sure you create an individual blog using www.weebly.comIn your group, write a thank-you letter and send it to the Entrepreneur that you interviewed. You can thank them for taking time out of their busy schedule to help you out with an assignment. You could elaborate on how many things you have learned from the interview (required time, money, everyday tasks, risks, business, etc.).The  Assignment  Checklist  should be signed off at least twice by the teacher during the period of time between the start and submission of this assignment. The original checklist must also be handed in with the report. Suggested time: Interview: 20-40 minutes Thank you note: 10 minutes Report: 2-3 hours. Proof, layout and corrections: 30 minutes

Selecting an Interviewee

To identify and select an entrepreneur to interview, you could draw from one of the following possible sources:

  1. Relatives, friends, or acquaintances might be able to recommend someone they know whom they consider to be an entrepreneur.
  2. Most communities have business development agencies that deal with entrepreneurs on a regular basis. Perhaps you could write a letter, explaining what you require, and ask that a list of potential interviewees be supplied.
  3. Local newspapers are another possible source. Perhaps one student could be assigned to approach the newspaper person who handles the business news and ask about potential interviewees.

Television and radio media members might also be able to help.


Step 1: Take Responsibility to contact the person selected and make an appointment. Be sure to explain why you want the appointment and to give a realistic estimate of how much time you will need. Be sure to clarify the purpose of the interview and the fact that it must be video or voice recorded for educational purposes – CLO 3 (Apply)

Step 2: Catalog specific questions (approximately 20-25 questions) you would like to have answered and the general areas about which you would like information. Using a combination of open-ended questions, such as general questions about how the entrepreneur got started, what happened next, and so forth, and closed- ended questions, such as specific questions about what his or her goals were, if he or she had to find partners, and so forth, will help to keep the interview focused and yet allow for unexpected comments and insights – CLO 2 (Apply)

Step 3: Conduct the interview. Remember, that you most likely will learn more if you are an “interested listener.” – CLO 2 (Apply)

Step 4: Reflect on what you have learned. Write down the information you have gathered in some form that will be helpful to you later on. Be as specific as you can. Jotting down direct quotes is more effective than statements such as “highly motivated individual.” And be sure to make a note of what you did not find out – CLO 4 (Apply)

Step 6: Show gratitude by writing a thank-you note. This is more than a courtesy; it will also help the entrepreneur to remember you favourably should you want to follow up in some way on the interview or be looking for future employment – CLO 3 (Apply)

Background Information: Possible Entrepreneur Interview Questions Basic Questions

  1. How do you motivate yourself?*
  2. When did you first decide that you wanted to work for yourself?*

Background of the Entrepreneur

  1. Had you any sales or marketing experience prior to starting your own enterprise?*
    1. How important was this experience, or lack thereof, in starting your own enterprise?
  2. How did you spot the opportunity or develop the idea for your enterprise?*
  3. What types of goals did you have just prior to starting your own enterprise?*
  4. How did you evaluate your idea or opportunity in terms of:
    1. Market?

b. The competition?

c. Key elements of success?*

  • How did you obtain the necessary funds to start up your enterprise?*
  • Did you prepare an entrepreneurial plan prior to start-up?
    • (If answer is yes:) Was the plan helpful in the preparation for your start-up?
    • What lessons did you learn from the preparation of an entrepreneurial plan?*

Operations (Early Stage)

  1. How much capital was invested in your enterprise?*
  2. What pressures did you face in the early stages of your enterprise?*
  3. Explain how these experts were able to help you in your enterprise.*
  4. What did you discover about your strengths and weaknesses?*
  5. What do you see as the strengths & Weaknesses of your enterprise?*


Operations (Later Stage)

  1. What problems did you discover once your operation was well under way?*
  2. What personal attitudes, characteristics, and skills were necessary for the success of your enterprise?*
  3. What are your future plans for this enterprise?*
  4. What are your present goals?*


Personal Observations

  • Has your personal life changed as a result of this enterprise?
  • What would you do differently if you were to start all over again?
  • What things would you not change if you were to do this all again?
  • Looking back on your experience, which of the following do you feel are the most critical: a. Skills?
    • Attitude?
    • Knowledge?
  • What are the things that you find personally satisfying and rewarding as an entrepreneur ?
  • What advice would you give an aspiring entrepreneur?
  • What are the most important lessons you have learned as a result of your experience?

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Entrepreneurship Interview Assignment Checklist

  Task Completed Initial Comments
1 Entrepreneur Identified (CLO 3)      
2 Entrepreneur Contacted and Interview Arranged (CLO 3)      
3 Interview Questions Finalized (CLO 2)      
4 Interview Conducted (CLO 2)      
5 Interview Summarized (CLO 4)      
6 Report Draft (CLO 4)      
7 Final Report (CLO 4)      
8 Thank-you Note (CLO 3)      
9 Other (CLO 3)      

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Entrepreneur Interview Rubric

  Criteria/ level Level 1: 0-5 Level 2: 6-7 Level 3: 7-8 Level 4: 8-10 Mark
1 Entrepreneur Characteristics (CLO 2) Some are mentioned Some are mentioned with examples Good discussion of characteristics with examples Excellent discussion Clear understanding of characteristics of entrepreneur /10
2 Quality (CLO 4) Video/Podcast quality was not clear Video/Podcast Quality was clear and easy to understand Video/Podcast quality was easy to view and understand Video/Podcast quality was superior and access was easy /10
3 Blog Writing Style (CLO 3) Below acceptable standard                   in spelling, grammar               and Style Below standard spelling/grammar Spelling/grammar good, style flows, good paragraphs Excellent use of Language to weave a wonderful tale. Strong command of the language and writing conventions /10
4 Blog Content (CLO 3) Blog does not relate to basic course content Blog relates to basic course content Blog is related to course content and reflects student understanding interesting, relates directly to course content & reflects the students experience & learning /10
5 Peer Review (CLO 3) No response to a classmate’s blog One average response to a classmate’s blog Two average responses to a classmate’s blog Two above average responses to classmate’s blog /10
6 Venture Description (CLO 4) Some description of venture Venture is clearly described Evidence of good understanding of the venture Excellent understanding and explanation of venture /10
7 Interview Interest (CLO 4) Mildly Interesting Attempt is made to make     the report interesting Entertaining and creative report Outstanding job making the video/podcast interesting, creative and entertaining /10
  Total (CLO 2) – Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (Final – equated to 8marks)   /10
  Total (CLO 3) – Team (Final – equated to2 marks)   /30
  Total (CLO 4) – Idea & Opportunity (Final – equated to 8 marks)   /30
  Total Marks   20   /70
  Final Marks   /20
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