Note – Your first research paper
is due on Sunday in Unit 3. All we need now is a TOPIC CHOICE. Per
your course syllabus, each of your 3 papers must be a minimum of 3 full
double-spaced pages and a maximum of 5 pages. You may use your textbook
as a source, but you must have a minimum of 3 non-text sources as well.
Please document your sources professionally and include a bibliography. A
word to the wise — Quality is paramount, but in most cases a 3 page paper will
not be valued as highly as a 4 or 5 page paper.
for my approval one of the following topics for your paper # 1 due in Unit 3:
Why and How U.S. Labor
Unions Seek to Influence Federal, State and Local Politics.How Global Competitiveness
Affects Labor/Management Relations.How Right-to-Work Laws
Affects Labor/Management Relations.An Analysis of the Proposed
Federal Employee Free Choice ActUnion Support Craft
Jurisdictional Conflict and Restrictive Work PracticesHow Technology Affects
Labor/Management RelationsSelect a Union and research
its history and current status — the name of the union is required.
for my approval one of the following topics for your paper # 2 due unit 5:
What is the Stereotypical
Image of Unions Today and How is it Affecting Their Organizing Activities?What are the Standard
Organizing Strategies and Tactics of Unions Today and How Effective Are
They?What are the Standard Union
Avoidance Strategies and Tactics Today and How Effective Are They?How and Why Did the U.S.
Automobile Industry Need To Be Bailed Out?How Has Global Competition
Affected Labor/Management Relations in the U.S.?How Has the Aging of Our
U.S. Population Affected Labor/Management Relations?Submit a Topic of Your
Select for my approval one
of the following topics for your paper # 3 due in unit 7:
The Implications of
Global Competitiveness on U.S. UnionizationThe Implications of
Generational Culture Changes on U.S. Unionization.The Implications of the
Great Recession of 2008 on U.S. Unionization.The Implications of
Technological Change on U.S. Unionization.The Implications of Public
Sector Unionization on the U.S. Economy.Select a topic of your
choosing for my approval.