This is my own published article. When I was a Ph.D. student at Southern
Illinois University at Carbondale I had to write a research paper (actually
it’s called a term paper) the way you’re writing in this class (Obviously, the
sophistication of research is significantly different). I wrote it prior to any
research methodology courses I had taken (I think it was in the first semester
of the second year). When the semester was over, I did not have time to work on
it. In fact, we had to write at least one new research paper each semester for
almost four years. Thus, it stayed in a USB stick for almost three years. After
graduating in the fall of 2011 I accepted the position at Chadron State
College. You may sense that the first two years I was completely occupied by
teaching. Finally, last year I talked to one of my friends at the University of
New Haven, CT to work on it. He and I spent almost two months to give it a
final shape. We updated a lot of things and sent it to a journal. After two
rounds of revision from the journal editor, it finally got accepted for the
publication and is available online (Do remittances attract foreign
direct investment? An empirical investigation (2014), Global Economy Journal,
Vol. 14(1), p1â9.).
Please read the attached article below and post your initial response in
a minimum of 100-200 words with multiple paragraphs (it should focus on
what is the main idea of the article and what economic intuition lies behind
it, what you learn from reading the article, etc. Upon reading please write
down in your own words).
Please do additional research for terminologies such as remittances, FDI
etc. You may skip the methodology part but you should read the rest including
the result discussion. This is very simple and relatively non-technical paper
compared to my other published papers, read it carefully as it helps you write
your own. You can publish your paper too, just work diligently.