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PH 220 Lab Assignment – RoyalCustomEssays

PH 220 Lab Assignment

StrayerNew ECO550 Mid-Term Exam
July 16, 2018
Strayer New ECO550Week 1 Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 Problems
July 16, 2018

Lab 1 Motion Lab 1 (See textbook pages 36-39, Chapter 2, Lesson 2) involves the graphical analysis of velocity. This simulation can be downloaded from Granthams Website under PH220. Simulations; its file name is EXP #1 C1 IP.ip. Fill in the data table, and answers for the blanks and complete the graph (properly labeled and annotated) in the Lab Answer Sheet at the end of this lab. Send in this Lab Answer Sheet in the appropriate drop box at the end of each week. These can be sent via USPS (postal), or scanned and sent as pdf or picture files (e.g., .tif, .gif, etc.) or by any other method of your choice as long as the answer Sheets are legible and translatable by Grantham University. Run the simulation. You will use the data from the Time and position measurement tables to fill in the data table below at the indicated times. Then graph the data on the graph paper provided (Lab Answer Sheet) in order to construct a d-t or x-t graph. Calculate your answers onto the Lab Answer sheet to be handed in after all seven (7) labs are completed. Graph, analyze, and annotate your data from your data table on the graph paper provided on your Lab Answer Sheet. Lab 2 Maximum Range of a Projectile Lab 2 (see textbook pages 54-64, Chapter 3 and especially Example 3-8, p. 60) involves a projectile being fired upward at an angle to the horizontal. You are to program the spreadsheet Excel (a similar substitute software program is permissible) to determine the maximum injection angle, that will result in the greatest downrange distance, R. Assume v = 10 m/s and g is approximated as g = 10 m/s2. Fill in the data table, and answers for the blanks and complete the graph (properly labeled and max annotated) in the Lab Answer Sheet at the end of this lab. {Hint: watch out for conversion problems from radians to degrees in Excel}. SendinthisLab AnswerSheetintheappropriatedropboxattheendofeachweek. These can be sent via USPS (postal), or scanned and sent as a pdf or picture files (e.g. .tif, .gif. etc.) or by any other method of your choice as long as the answer Sheets are legible and translatable by Grantham University. Access Excel. Your data table will look similar to that found for Lab 2 below. The initial angle, will go from 0 degrees to 90 degrees in steps of two (2) degrees. Once you have the range formula programmed for = 0o use the fill down option in Excel to distribute the solutions to the other cells for the other angles. Include your completed full Excel data table with your Lab Answer Sheet. Then graph the data in order to construct a R. vs. graph. Denote on this graph, the maximum range, Rmax and the angle, max where this occurs. Be sure that your graph is properly labeled. For Lab 2 return your Lab Answer Sheet with: (1) completed Excel spreadsheet, and (2) graph of R vs. Lab 3 – Atwoods Machine Lab 3 (See Chapter 4 and especially Example 4-13, p. 88) involves Atwoods Machine. This simulation can be downloaded from Granthams Website, under PH220.Simulations; its file name is ATWOOD MACHINE.ip. In this simulation m1is1.0kgandm2is1.1kg.Massm2is1.1kg. Massm2restsonthefloorthatexertsanormalforce,FN,onm2g=).ThenFN=_____.Fillintheblanksand thencopytheseovertoyourLabAnswerSheet.SendinthisLabAnswerSheetintheappropriatedropboxat theendofeachweek.ThesecanbesentviaUSPS(postal),orscannedandsentas.pdforpicturefiles(e.g., .tif,.gif,etc.)orbyanyothermethodofyourchoiceaslongastheAnswerSheetsarelegibleandtranslatable byGranthamUniversity. Lab4RollerCoaster&ConservationofEnergy Lab4(SeeChapter6)involvestherollercoasteranditsphysics.Thissimulationcanbedownloadedfrom GranthamsWebsiteunderPH220.Simulations;itsfilenameisBallonRollerCSTR#4.ip.Inthissimulation, anobjecttraversesthehillsandvalleysofafrictionlessrollercoasterintherealmofzeroairresistance.You willbeaskedtofindmeasurementsandmakecalculationsconcerningtotalmechanicalenergyandwhetherit isconserved.Thenyouwillthenmakesomechangestotheglobalairresistanceforthissimulationand answerthesamequestionsasyoudidpreviously.Fillinthedatatables,andanswersfortheblanksintheLab AnswerSheetattheendofthislab.SendinthisLabAnswerSheetintheappropriatedropboxattheendof eachweek.ThesecanbesentviaUSPS(postal),orscannedandsentas.pdforpicturefiles(e.g..tif,.gif, etc.)orbyanyothermethodofyourchoiceaslongastheanswerSheetsarelegibleandtranslatableby GranthamUniversity. RunthesimulationandcompletethedatatablesandfillintheblanksontheLab4AnswerSheet. Lab5Work&Power Lab5(SeeChapter6)involvesyouwalkingupaflightofstairsandrecordingyourtimeviaastopwatchor chronograph.Youwillbeaskedtomakemeasurementsandcalculationsforthetotaltimetoworktheflightof stairs(atleast7steps)andtheverticalheightofthestairsfromthebottomtothetop.Fillintheanswerstothe blanksintheLabanswerSheetattheendofthislab.SendinthisLabAnswerSheetintheappropriatedrop boxattheendofeachweek.ThesecanbesentviaUSPS(postal)orscannedandsentas.pdforpicturefiles (e.g.,.tif,.gif.etc.)orbyanyothermethodofyourchoiceaslongastheAnswerSheetsarelegibleand translatablebyGranthamUniversity.Thelabdetailsfollow: Purpose:Determineyourworkandpowerasyouclimbaflightofstairs. Materials:Yardstick,astopwatchordigital/analogwatch,bathroomscale,calculator,andyou,theclimber Procedure: Estimateyourmassinkg(Hint:1kg(mass)=2.2pounds(weight)). Youshouldapproachthebottomstepofthestairswithasteadyspeed. Youaretostartthetimeasyoureachthefirststairandstoptheclockwhenyoureachthetop ObservationsandData: Calculatetheworkandpowerforyoutoclimbtheflightofstairs Work(you)=_____;power(you)=________ Calculateyourpowerinkilowatts:(P(kW)=_____. Application: Your local electric company supplies you with 1 kW of power for 1 hour for 8 cents. Assume that you could climb these stairs continuously for 1 hour. How much money would this climb be worth? $_________. Transfer all answers to the Lab 4 Answer sheet. Lab 6 Ballistic Pendulum Lab 6 (See Chapter 7 and especially Example 7-10, p. 178) involves the ballistic pendulum. This simulation can be downloaded from Granthams Website; its file name is BALLISTIC PENDULUM PO.ip. In this simulation, an object (the projectile) strikes and becomes embedded in a block of wood suspended from the ceiling by two strings of negligible mass. You will be asked to read the measurement tables and make calculations concerning total mechanical energy and momentum (energy and momentum are conserved since friction and air resistance are absent). These measurements will result in the determination of the initial velocity of the projectile (actually the initial velocity and the velocity upon impact are identical). Fill in the blanks in the Lab 6 Answer Sheet at the end of this lab. Send in this Lab Answer Sheet when all of the labs are completed. These can be sent via USPS (postal), or scanned and sent as .pdf or picture files (e.g., .tif, .gif, etc.) or by any other method of your choice as long as the Answer Sheets are legible and translatable by Grantham University. Run the simulation and fill in the blanks below and copy over to the Lab 6 Answer Sheet. Find the time, t, that the bullet embedded in the block of wood reaches its maximum height. T = _____. q. If h = y = yf yi, where h is the change in the height of the block at equilibrium to its maximum height, from the position measurement table h. h = ____________. q. Calculate the velocity of the bullet: v = _________. Lab 7 Wave Characteristics Lab 7 (See Chapter 11) involves the wave characteristics analysis of two periodic cosine waves one red and the other blue. This simulation can be downloaded from Granthams Website under PH220.Simulations ver C; its file name is EXP #7 B4.ip. fill in the blanks in the Lab Answer Sheet at the end of this lab. Run the simulation. You will use the data from the Time and position measurement tables to help fill in the wave characteristics blanks on the Lab Answer Sheet. Lab 8 – Thermodynamics Lab 8 (See Chapter 15) involves using thermodynamics to calculate the work done in specific processes and the use this to determine the change in internal energy or the heat transfer via the first law of thermodynamics (E = Q W). First start with an isothermal expansion at 2.0 atm from 1.0 L to 4.0 L. If this now is adiabatically compressed back to its original volume, what is the change in internal energy here? Also what are some examples of these processes?

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