The post combines two asighnments
1: Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe
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Produce a short report explaining that organisation’s role in the establishment and proliferation of norms, regimes, and international law. researching and explaining the case study; and 2) its role or impact on the creation/proliferation of norms, regimes, and/or law.
2:Cultural Norms and Social Work Practice
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Reference: Chapter 11: Cultural Norms and Social Work Practice (Marsiglia, F. F., & Kulis, S. S. (2015). Diversity, oppression & change: Culturally grounded social work (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Lyceum.
Answer these questions and reference Chapter 11 with page numbers.
What is an individualistic orientation as discussed in the text (Chapter 11: Cultural Norms and Social Work Practice)?
What is a collectivistic orientation as discussed in the text (Chapter 10: Cultural Norms and Social Work Practice)?
What do they have to do with cultural competence in social work practice?
How might a social worker deliver culturally relevant interventions to:
Native Americans?
To African-Americans?
To Mexican-Americans and other Latinos?
To Asian-Americans?
To a client of different gender or sexual orientation?
Co-operation in Europe