Disability and Diversity in Physical Activity
The asighnment has three asighnments
1:KNES 2550----60 Disability and Diversity in Physical Activity
Handicapping Condition Research Assignment – Fall 2016
Part I – Research Paper
Write a five-page written review of current information regarding a specific
handicapping condition (assigned in class, see chart below.)
Paper must be single-spaced within paragraphs and double-spaced between
Include in your summary the characteristics of the disability, signs/symptoms,
and the implications (indications/contraindications) for physical
education/physical activity and teaching/program strategies, accommodations,
adaptations and modifications. You must utilize a minimum of three-five sources,
including online and at least one, hard (paper) sources. Try using your textbook!
Due: 10/13/16 by 11:30 pm on Blackboard (This is a TurnItIn
Assignment) Point value = 100 points
Part II – Powerpoint Presentation
You will present this topic (5+ minutes w/technology) in class, at random.
Due: 10/13/16 by 4:30 pm on
Blackboard Point value = 50 points
Handicapping Condition Assigned To:
1. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Nick Falkman
2. Arthritis: Rheumatoid & Still’s Disease
(Juvenile Arthritis) Adam Colon
3. Arthrogryposis (Multiple Congenital
Contractures) Justin Collazo
4. Attention-Deficit Disorders (ADD &
ADHD) Bethann Kiely
5. Autism Spectrum Disorders &
Aspberger’s Syndrome Joe Baldicanas
6. Cerebral Palsy (CP) Kaitlyn Poretti
7. Congenital Heart Defects Amber Scarella
8. Crohn’s Disease Louis DeSante
9. Cystic Fibrosis Randy Harlequin
10. Down Syndrome Tyler Johnson
11. Epilepsy & Other Seizure Disorders Casey Winter
KNES 2550----60 Disability and Diversity in Physical Activity
12. Microcephaly Carlos Fontanez
13. Muscular Dystrophy Julia Bos
14. Obesity Max Xie
15. Pervasive Developmental
Disorders Aneisha Fletcher
16. Sickle Cell Disease
(Anemia) Yoanna Reyes
17. Spina Bifida Kevin Cuda
18. Xeroderma Pigmentosum Kyle Cooper
2:Assignment 1: LASA 2: Train the Trainers Here’s What Happened . . . After your report was presented to the Centervale chief of police, he realized there is a need for training for law enforcement officials. Using the Simpson case as the basis, a proposal was presented and approved by the mayor to fund a special project. You have been asked to produce a written training curriculum to educate the trainers of Centervale’s law enforcement officials about dealing with crime victims. The chief has asked you to cover both stranger violence and intimate violence. Your curriculum will supply trainers with information that would assist them in training new recruits, first responders, and detectives. Here’s What You Need to Do . . . Prepare three short scenarios that could be used as training material. In the training material, include the three areas of stalking, intimate violence, and stranger violence. Following each scenario, generate questions that the trainers could present. Be sure to offer answers to these questions, with support, as a handy guide for the trainers. Finally, design a summary for the trainers that they can use to end their training. The summary should: Highlight the differences between criminology and victimology and why it is important for law enforcement officials to have a basic knowledge of both. Use examples from your created scenarios as support. Identify the relevant theories that pertain to violence against women. How can law enforcement make use of these facts? Explain the importance of law enforcement learning more about proper treatment of victims in order to ensure the system does not revictimize them. Consider how interviews, order of protection service, time until arrest, safety planning, and lethality assessments play into this treatment. Create a curriculum: Develop three to five questions for each scenario. Focus on relevant victimology or criminology theories, victims’ rights, lethality assessments, and proper treatment of victims. Develop potential answers for those questions, including the reasoning behind those answers. Hypothesize how past inadequacies in victims’ rights, as they pertain to law enforcement, might have led to different endings to the scenarios. Predict the danger level for each victim and connect to the necessary actions of the advocate or the detective that will come from this alert. Create a solution that would properly treat victims in order to ensure the system does not revictimize them. In creating a solution, consider these questions: What can you recommend should be done for the victim? What can you recommend should be done to the suspect? What resources are available to assist law enforcement in working with victims? Note: Use APA-formatted in-text citations and external sources that are referred to on a corresponding reference page.
3: Write a well-organized 2 page essay. Identify the influence of the Enlightenment, Great Awakening, Common Law, and Republican Ideology in the following excerpt.
Author: Massachusetts Assembly
Type of document: Resolutions on the Stamp Act
Date: 1765
II. Resolved, –That the inhabitants of this province are unalienable entitled to those essential rights in common with all men: and that no law of society can, consistent with the law of God and nature, divest them of those rights.
III. Resolved, –That no man can justly take the property of another without his consent; and that upon this original principle the right of representation in the same body, which exercises the power of making laws for levying taxes, which is one of the main pillars of the British constitution, is evidently founded.
IV. Resolved, –That this inherent right, together with all other essential rights, liberties, privileges, and immunities of the people of Great Britain, have been fully confirmed to them by Magna Charta, and by former and later acts of parliament.
XII. Resolved, as a just conclusion from some of the foregoing resolves,
That all acts made by any power whatever other than the general assembly of this province, imposing taxes on the inhabitants, are infringements of our inherent and unalienable rights, as men and British subjects, and render void the most valuable declarations of our charter.
XIII. Resolved, –That the extension of the powers of the court of admiralty [Vice Admiralty court] within this province, is a most violent infraction of the right of trials by juries—a right which this house, upon the principles of their British ancestors, hold most dear and sacred; it being the only security of the lives, liberties, and properties of his majesty’s subjects here.