Computer-Aided Design
The post is of two assignments
Computer-Aided Design
1:How to format Computer-aided design on a research paper ?Account of all tasks and sub tasks that have been completed by the group as of the morning of Friday 18, 2016:Research , Interviews , Resources List of all tasks and sub-tasks the group is planning to complete by Monday, April 11 and group members tasked with their completion:Research , Interviews , Resources ,Samples ,Presentation
6. A research context section that identifies the research question and the researcher(s), as well as a JUSTIFICATION for why this research question is necessary, useful, interesting, or helpful to the overall project.
7. A methodology section that describes each task that has been completed to date, and the reason for completing each task as necessary, along with an identification of which group member completed the task (as necessary). Written in PROSE PARAGRAPHS, with verbal enumeration, in past tense, as discussed in the class lecture.
8. A tasks remaining section that includes a three-column table identifying each remaining task, the group member who is tasked with completing it, and a due date for completion. This table should be properly introduced and commented upon – NO DATA DUMPING.
9. A references section that lists all sources reviewed to date in APA format. If no sources have been reviewed yet, state “NONE”.
10. Appendices which MUST include: A copy of the signed contract, and a copy of each group member’s critique of the style manual (initialed at the bottom).
As per the in-class lecture, this document will be written with a combination of prose paragraphs and embedded tables. DO NOT USE NUMBERED STEPS. DO NOT WRITE A SET OF INSTRUCTIONS.
This document will be compiled into a single paper that will begin with a signed title page (signed by all authors). ONLY ONE SUBMISSION PER GROUP IS REQUIRED.
Throughout the document use standard formatting:
? Correct margins,
? Headers and footers,
? Legible font size and type,
? Block spacing (not AIAA or standard essay format)
? A- level headings
? Graphics which are NOT data dumped
2:Color composite images
Which color composite image do you think provides the most information? Why do you think so? –
Its a remote sensing course and the images was made using IDRISI software.
no sources needed.
if you didn’t understand anything feel free to ask me.
composite images