Criminology Perspectives
post contains two assignments
1:Perspectives in criminology
Order Description
Select one of the following recent crime issues and answer the related question.
1. Alcoholrelated violence and one-punch killings
• How can public debate and political action relating to these offences be seen as related to neoliberal ideology? Discuss in relation to concepts of risk and responsibilisation.
2. International people smuggling
• How can this issue be seen as related to processes of globalisation? Discuss in relation to permeability of national borders and contemporary anxieties about national identity.
References / Readings:
1. Week 1: Introduction to Perspectives in Criminology
• Garland, D 2001, ‘The new culture of crime control’, in The culture of control: crime and social order in contemporary society, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 167-92.
• Garland, D & Sparks, R 2000, ‘Criminology, social theory and the challenge of our times’, in Criminology and social theory, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 1-22.
2. : Globalisation and the Changing Nature of Crime
• Aas, F 2007, ‘Crime, fear and social exclusion in the global village’, in Globalization and crime, Sage, London, pp. 1-26.
• Gillespie, W 2006, ‘Capitalist world-economy, globalization, and violence: implications for criminology and social justice’, International Criminal Justice Review, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 20-44.
3. : Neoliberalism, Responsibilisation and Shifting Forms of Crime Prevention
• Muncie, J 2005, ‘The globalization of crime control – the case of youth and juvenile justice: neo-liberalism, policy convergence and international conventions’, Theoretical Criminology, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 35-64.
• O’Malley, P 2008, ‘Neo-liberalism and risk in criminology’, in T Anthony & C Cunneen (eds), The critical criminology companion, Hawkins Press, Sydney, pp. 55-67.
4. : Sovereignty, Transnational Crime and the Impact of its Counter-measures
• McCulloch, J 2007, ‘Transnational crime as productive fiction’, Social Justice, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 19-32.
• Pickering, S 2004, ‘The production of sovereignty and the rise of transversal policing: people-smuggling and federal policing’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 362-79.
5. : Law and Order Trends
• Brown, D & Hogg, R 1996, ‘Law and order commonsense’, Current Issues in Criminal Justice, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 175-91.
• Kraska, PB 2007, ‘Militarization and policing – its relevance to 21st century police’, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 501-13.
6. : Corporate Crime and Crimes Against the Environment.
• Friedrichs, DO 2007, ‘White-collar crime in a postmodern, globalized world’, in H Pontell & G Geis (eds), International handbook of white-collar and corporate crime, Springer, New York, pp. 163-84.
• White, R 2005, ’Environmental crime in global context: exploring the theoretical and emprical complexities’, Current Issues in Criminal Justice, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 271-85
7. : Crime, Space and Social Exclusion
• Martin, G 2011, ‘Showcasing security: the politics of policing space at the 2007 Sydney APEC meeting’, Policing and Society, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 27-48.
• Young, J 1999, ‘From inclusive to exclusive society’, in The exclusive society: social exclusion, crime and difference in late modernity, Sage, London, pp. 1-30.
2:Foreign Aid in Gabon
African Economics Development, Foreign Aid in Gabon
Order Description
Find economic data and draw some graphs regarding the foreign aid of the African Country: Gabon.
Data source:1- foreign aid disbursements: and 2-World Bank databank
A-How much foreign aid has your country received since 1960?
Using the data source from the OECD which track foreign aid (official development assistance) by donor country and international organization, draw 4 graphs,one for each of the following:
1-Aid received from All donors
2-Aid received from former colonial power
3-Aid received from United States
4-Aid received from Multilateral agencies
B-For the year 2014 (or most recent year), who are the top 4 donors to your country? what are the top 4 recipients sectors?
Present this information in a table or chart with aid disbursement amounts
C-Aid and GDP per capita
Combining OECD aid data, with information from the World Bank data bank, Bring out the relationship between GPD per capital growth and Aid Received from All donors since 1960.(look at attachment for sample graphs)
Aid in Gabon