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The Dark Side Of HRM Practices – RoyalCustomEssays

The Dark Side Of HRM Practices

September 11, 2018
Health professional education
September 11, 2018

Post has three assignments

1: Answer one of the three essay questions listed below.

Order Description

Question One

James Sproule, chief economist at the Institute of Directors, said that in an era of major technological change, businesses should be focusing more on agility than productivity.

“The economy of the future looks set to be dominated not by big companies, but by fast, agile, quick-moving and reactive ones. The firms that can respond to consumer demands most effectively and bring new products and services to market will reap the rewards,” he said.
(People Management, September 2015)

Part A (50% of mark): Compare and contrast the characteristics of an agile organisation, as described by Sproule, with those of a learning organisation,


Part B (50% of mark: Evaluate ways in which an organisation might encourage and support knowledge sharing.

Question Two

The human capital of a nation is directly linked to its economic development, productivity growth, and innovation. Therefore, organisational investment in job skills training should be regulated by governments.

Develop arguments for and against this statement (80% of mark), and draw a conclusion based on the evidence presented (20% of mark).

Question Three

Part A (50% of mark): Discuss the drivers for the move from technical to so-called ‘soft’ skills,


Part B (50% of mark) Critically evaluate how organisations can improve the soft skills in their workforce, whilst preserving the levels of technical skills they also need to meet their strategic objectives.

Module Learning Outcomes Assessed:

• To engage critically with academic theory underpinning strategic human resource development / learning and talent development.

• To explain and evaluate the relevance of these theories to business practice.

Assessment Requirements:

Word Count: 3000 words (+/- 10%)

Font Size: 12

Line Spacing: Double spaced

APA/Harvard referencing format should be used (the reference list does not contribute to the word count)

Diagrams, figures and tables may be included (and these do not contribute to the word count)

2: Sport & Exercise Promotion

Order Description

1. Executive Summary (similar to a journal article abstract – an overview)

2. Index Page

3. Introduction
• The rational for your event/intervention
• What the event attempted to achieve
• The event objectives
• How the success of the event will be measured.
• Link back to the presentation targets

4. Overview of the Pre Event Planning

4.1 Logistics – purpose of the event, target participants

4.2 Marketing – any market research carried out, type of marketing promotion used etc. Remember to justify your choices.

5. Overview of the Event

5.1 Resources & Activities
• Physical (equipment)
• Human (staffing)
• Choice of activity type

6. Evaluation

6.1 Evaluation
• Was the methodology effective?
• What were the strengths of the event?
• Were there unexpected outcomes?
• Link to background reading and support used in the presentation
• Feedback from clients

7. Conclusion

8. Reference and Bibliography pages

3: Dissertation Proposal MSC – Human resource management “The Dark Side Of HRM Practices “ -Unethical practices

Order Description

coursework 2 – Project Proposal
This will take the form of a 3,000 word individual written project proposal.

Potential Topic : “The Dark Side Of HRM Practices “ -Unethical practices
harvard reference
minimum number of sources 25 !!!
a clear, logical structure
a competent level of English
Kindly please see file attached and follow by descriptions and tips. !!!
guidelines includes feedback
dissertation proposal presentation-The Dark Side Of HRM Practices
Narrative review: Dark sides of HRM from an employee point of view
ethical consideration – slides
Your proposal should include:
This sets the scene, outlines the problem and tells the reader how you plan to structure your proposal. As you write the report you should always be checking to make sure that you are adhering to the structure you set out in this introduction.
This section should also include information about the industry, business sector or organization where you plan to conduct your research. This might include details such as its history, finance and people. You should link this information to the rationale of your project.

Literature Review:
The purpose of the literature review is to present an overview of what research has already been done in the area you are exploring in your project. This may include research on the specific issue you are investigating, and may also involve reviewing relevant theories and the evidence that supports them.
You should also discuss what current practice is and whether it reflects what has been found in the academic literature. Importantly, the literature review should be a critical evaluation of published material. You will need to think about what research has been done, what has not been done, criticisms of existing literature and any areas that need to be improved. By the end of your literature review you should have identified a key gap in the literature, which is directly linked to the rationale of your project.
Primarily, information for the literature review should be sourced from academic journal articles and books, but can also include information from government reports professional publications, newspapers and the internet.

Research Questions and/or Hypotheses:
Without well-defined research questions your project will be difficult to conduct successfully. Here you need to clearly state your research questions. If you are planning to conduct a quantitative project (e.g. using a questionnaire to assess skills/personality/attitudes numerically) then you will want to identify your hypotheses. Your research questions and hypotheses should lead on from the conclusions you make in your literature review.

Proposed Method:
This section is used to explain to the reader how you plan to conduct the research. You need to discuss why you chose the method you did and consider alternative approaches and methods. You should also identify any potential ethical concerns or practical concerns. You need to consider who your participants will be and how you will sample them, how you plan to obtain your data and the measures you might use. This could include information about established questionnaires and/or how you are planning to obtain organisational information.

Potential limitations and practical concerns.
You will need to consider any limitations your proposed project has. You will also need to discuss any obstacles that you may encounter when conducting your research project and how these could be overcome.

Timeline ( please use gantt chart) :
You should provide a timeline or plan of your research and when you are aiming to complete each stage.

Topic already been selected and feedback has been received.
However, there are many areas to improve.
Please see presentation attached (“Dissertation proposal presentation-The Dark Side Of HRM Practices”) which represents the idea of the project.
Please adopt suggestions recommended by supervisor:

Please pick the most appropriate organisation,industry .
You still need to narrow down your research question/objectives to something more manageable and precisely defined
It is not possible to analyse all “dark sides of HRM practices ” therefore please focus on a few specific
Please see examples of unethical practice of HRM ( please see file attached ( unethical-practices-in-hrm)
Exploitation of foreigners and their lack of knowledge of the law ,employee rights and the language – cheap labor force
Off-shoring and exploiting ‘cheap’ labour markets;
Using child labour;
Reneging on company pension agreements;
Longer working hours;
Increasing work stress;
The use of disputed and dubious practices in hiring and firing personnel.
favouritism in hiring;
training and promotion;
sexual harassment;
inconsistent disciplinary measures;
not maintaining confidentiality;
sex discrimination in promotion, and pay; and
non performance factors used in appraisals.
employees receiving gifts or entertainment in violation of the organisation’s policies,
employees engaging in fraud,
accepting kickbacks or bribes,
lying to supervisors,
abusing drugs or alcohol,
lying on reports or falsifying work records,
conflicts of interest,
altering the results of product tests,
misusing insider information.


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