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Transatlantic slave trade – RoyalCustomEssays

Transatlantic slave trade

Romanticism, Realism, Photography
September 11, 2018
medication in curing a condition
September 11, 2018

post has four assignments

1:Transatlantic slave trade

Give a brief overview of the Transatlantic Slave Trade.

Text book used History of Africa, 3rd edition, Kevin shillington
European Expansion and Transatlantic Slave Trade

Chapter 12: The Atlantic Slave Trade, Sixteen to Eighteenth Century 1. Slavery in Africa before the Atlantic trade (176-7) a) The trans-Saharan slave trade (176-7) 2. The origins of European maritime trade with west Africa (176-80) a) The aims of Portuguese initiatives (177) b) Early Portuguese trade on the west African coast (177) c) Origins of European-controlled plantation slavery (177) d) Origins and development of the transatlantic trade in slaves(180) 3. The nature of the slave trade (180-184) a) The question of scale (180) b) The African dimension (181) c) Impact of the slave trade (182) d) The transatlantic trade (183) e) Plantations in the Americas and their demand for slave labor (184) 4. Profit from the slave trade: the European dimension (185-6) b) The triangular trade (185) c) Slavery and the origin of racism (186) Chapter 16: West Africa in Nineteenth Century and Ending of the Slave Trade 5. The ending of the Atlantic slave trade (237-40) a) The economic background to abolition (237) b) African resistance and the abolition of slavery (238) 6. West African commerce in the nineteenth century (240) 7. Sierra Leone and Liberia (243-6) a) Sierra Leone (243-5) b) Liberia (245-6) Additional Readings 8. The Slave Route (UNESCO) (must read) http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0011/001144/114427eo.pdf 9. A Rare, Firsthand Account of an African Enslaved in Brazil http://www.theroot.com/articles/history/2015/10/a_rare_firsthand_account_of_an _african_enslaved_in_brazil.html?wpisrc=newsletter_jcr:content%26 10. Texas mom calls out textbook publisher for interpreting slavery as immigration http://abc13.com/education/mom-calls-out-textbook-publisher-for-interpretingslavery-as-immigration/1014971/ 11. The Big Reason Whites Are Richer than Blacks in America: Inheritance matters a lot more than previously thought. Guess who’s getting the lion’s share. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-02-08/the-big-reason-whites-arericher-than-blacks-in-america

12. Should U.S. pay reparations for slavery? U.N.-appointed experts think so http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/should-us-pay-reparations-for-slavery-unappointed-experts-think-so/ar-BBwIbEN?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=mailsignout Video: 13. Transatlantic Slavery Documentary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY5Hq2B4rM

Module Focus / Essential Questions What was the differences between the transatlantic slave trade and slavery as generally practiced elsewhere in the world? What is the possible relationship between the transatlantic slave trade and anti-black racism?

Student Learning Outcomes After reading and studying this module, you should be able to: 1. Discuss the reasons for Portuguese voyages of discovery. 2. Describe the origin of the plantation slavery. 3. Distinguish between slavery that has existed in most societies and the transatlantic slave trade, which was chattel slavery – people became the property of slave owners. 4. Explain the economic reasons for the abolition of slavery. 5. Examine the possible impact of the transatlantic slave trade on the origin of racism. 6. Discuss the connection between the abolition of slavery and founding of Liberia and Sierra Leone. 7. Describe the role of Africans and the African slaves themselves in the abolition of slavery.

Module Description

European Expansion History, especially the Bible, generally records that three continents were in direct contact with each other from ancient times – Africa, Asia and Europe – in what I would call “the biblical world.” We have also already seen that both the Greek and Roman Empires straddled the three continents. Egypt was the natural ‘connector’ from the African side. The trade route – the Great Silk Road – is also known to have connected these continents. It was not until the 1400s, that European exploration, expansion and colonization connected virtually the entire globe – the Americas, Africa and Asia (including Australia and New Zealand). Although we will not study European expansion in any depth, suffice it to say that the expansion forms the backdrop of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, the subject of this week’s module.

The Institution of Slavery Slavery (in one form or the other), has existed throughout human history. The egalitarianism and classlessness of the hunter-gatherer societies of the prehistoric era (which we studied earlier), ended with the agricultural revolution.

2:The Civil War

300 – 350 words read the instruction very careful this class is about American Literature from The Civil War to Present thanks

Part I: After reading the lesson this week, compose a paragraph of ‘reader response’ to the Dickinson poem and one of the Whitman poems. One paragraph each! Remember, ‘reader response’ asks that you connect with the poem in some personal way.

Part II: Find another internet resource ( this might be a text-based website or a Youtube video or a journal article)that provides some additional insight or helps you understand any of this week’s poems. Share the link and describe what the resource is and how it helped you.

Part III: What lines from "Song of Myself" describe, in your view, something important or unique about American identity? Copy and paste the lines here and then discuss your reason for selecting them in a paragraph.

3:Is the internet makes children smarter and well connected or is it all all an illusion ?

In the introduction write general information about the topic. after that write about the history of topic. then write about the two points of view people who are with idea and people who are against them and if there more opinion include it .In conclusion summarise the main point give and include your opinion and the reason of your opinion . give some examples quotes reasons as you can.
These are some instructions:
1-Identify a Key Question .
2-Identify Other Points of View.
3-Frame a Thesis Statement.
4- Organize Your Argument.
• Narrowing a research question
• Framing a clear thesis statement that answers your research question
• Researching and selecting at least two credible sources (be sure sources are as current as possible and represent differing perspectives)
• Choosing appropriate rhetorical strategies for your audience(s) and purpose(s)
• Organizing an argument that anticipates questions and deals with opposing viewpoints respectfully and effectively
• Developing a focused argument with strong, specific support and clear transitions
• Integrating and acknowledging sources ethically and accurately (see guidelines in Easy Writer)
• Framing a strong conclusion
• Voice—showing your personality and avoiding stuffy language while still being professional
• Proofreading—avoiding little mistakes that make great writing look messy!

4:The future of nursing

Given the predictions for the future of nursing presented in the text, what do you see as your role in shaping a preferred future for nursing? Do you believe that you have the skills to become a leader in this process? If not, which strategies might you use to develop yourself as a leader?

Civil War

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