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medication in curing a condition – RoyalCustomEssays

medication in curing a condition

Transatlantic slave trade
September 11, 2018
Consumer Product Safety
September 11, 2018


Post has five  assignments

1:Big Case 3


(1) If you (and your partners) are hired as consultants for the company: What should be the process for choosing the next president? [consider these situations: a) the committee’s present composition ensure maximum acceptance and support of whatever plan is proposed; b) you can change the committee or not; c) you can propose to involve Al and Morris]

Submission instructions:
A) Answer length: There is a minimum of 1/2 half page and a maximum of 1 full page maximum per question [SINGLE space, Font type 12].
B) You can use bullet points to show some organization in your answers – however, do not rely your answers in only bullet points (minus 5-points per each answer if you only use bullet points)
C) You must write in Short-paragraphs – I will penalize those who submit 1-paragraph answers (minus 10 points per each answer)
D) You must need to identify the answers (minus 5 points per each answer)
E) If you work with a partner. I only need 1 submission per pair or trio

Disclaimer: I want comprehensive answers (e.g. complete sentences, good organization etc.). Please do not copy/paste from the textbook or plagiarize material from Wikipidea or other online sources.

2:Are placebos just as effective as the medication in curing a condition?

Term Paper Outline

The term paper proposal is a two-page description of your proposal, which identifies the following: the research question you intend to pursue, the aspects to be identified, and discussion of the importance and centrality of these questions. In addition, include your (tentative) conceptualization measures (see below). This is not a project you can leave to the last minute. You should be working on it for the majority of the trimester. Once you have determined your research question, the next step, which is critical, is to either find or collect data you may manipulate to determine the answers to your research questions. Papers that do not use a data set as the center piece of the analysis, will be returned to the student ungraded. Again, I will not accept any papers at the end of the semester for which I never received outlines.

Suggested Format for Paper

I. Introduction

Specify your research question and discuss how you plan to seek the answer. Be sure to say why you feel this is an important question, meriting the effort or your research and the time of the reader.

II. Literature Review

Discuss an overview of what the literature says about your question and any specific studies that have dealt with the question at hand. Consider the merits and validity of the research you have found.

III. Methodology

Discuss your methodological approach to answering your research question. This should include a discussion of your data source or collection methods, threats to validity, and potential problems with the data that you must acknowledge. You should also specify what statistical tests you plan to use to test hypotheses you derived from your research question.

IV. Analysis and Findings

Present the results of your statistical analysis and the findings you make from the analyses. Be as specific as possible in terms of variables and controls you use in the analysis and how they relate to specific hypotheses.

V. Conclusions

Considering your findings from the literature and quantitative analysis, conclude the most valid answer to your original research question. Be sure to defend your conclusions with specific illustrations from both areas.

VI. Indications for New Research

Discuss any new questions your findings and research raise and your thoughts of how future scholars address those questions.
VII. Bibliography and Endnotes
Showing all sources of reference material, in the format you have chosen.
VIII. Appendix
Any additive material, such as survey forms or other such documents you want to add to illustrate your study.

Doing your own survey (primary data):
You are welcome to do your own survey. We will discuss survey construction extensively in course lectures. Please recognize that the data must be collected in a timely manner so you have enough time to analyze it and write up your paper by the end of the term. There are many online systems for collecting data that you may use for free or for a small fee. You may also use paper survey and enter the data manually.
• If you choose to do your own survey, the form must be approved by Dr. Conrad before you may use it.
• You must be able to collect at least 50 cases.
• The minimum number of variables for such as study is 10.

Suggested data sources for secondary data:
• Please feel free to use data from your place of work or other organization, as long as the organization agrees to your utilization of their data and your research project.
o The requirement of a minimum of 50 cases and 10 variables also applies.
o You are likely to find most secondary data sets available to you will far exceed that requirement.
• ICPSR – available data sets for download in SPSS format. The university is a member of the consortium, so you should be able to download all available datasets from a university computer. Please see a reference librarian in the library, if you need help. The link is www.icpsr.org
• CDC – ascii and PDF files. Link: www.cdc.gov
• Department of Justice: www.doj.gov
• Bureau of Labor Statistics: www.bls.gov
• US Vital Statistics (through the CDC) http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss.htm

3:Sam’s Club in Sartell, Minnesota

The strategic issues we are aiming for in this paper is improving the marketing strategy of Sam’s Club, purposing a strategy to make money from logistics (business to business sales) and expanding their personal brands (Members Mark). Specific strategy development and strategic implementation is crucial. This paper is going to be transformed into a powerpoint and presented into a 25 minute presentation. The professor of this class was a former Sam’s club advisor.

4:Group Project Guidelines

Goal: To select among television programming in the genre assigned to your group, observe the program(s) over a period of time during the semester, interpret patterns in the portrayal of African American women, classify those patterns according to criteria determined by the group members, and then present the results in a formal presentation.

First, decide which program or programs will be analyzed – either one program that every member of the group watches,two programs that the group compares, or several different programs (perhaps individually chosen by each member).

Then, determine the criteria that will be used to analyze the program(s). There are many ways to approach this part. Group members can:
(1) look for patterns based on race and/or gender;
(2) analyze trends in roles played (e.g. Mammy, sex symbol, the comedic sidekick, the “bitch,” etc.) or trends in themes (i.e. family, love, motherhood, career, sexuality, etc.);
(3) establish a list of characteristics that reflect a fully-realized character (In this case, the group would need to establish the criteria beforehand and then have each member evaluate the programming based on the agreed upon standards.);
(4) analyze programming for patterns, noting number of occurrences or other factors (e.g. stereotypes – group would need to specify what members will look for); or
(5) use the “oppositional gaze” to track evidences of capitalist-imperialist-white supremacist-patriarchy

Finally, the presentation should include the following basic elements of a research paper:
• Introduction – identifies the topic (i.e. the program/s) and thesis
• Review of the program(s) – provide enough background information to familiarize the audience with the program(s)
• Method of analysis – identify the criteria used for the group’s analysis
• Findings – report what group members discover through their observations, supportingeach finding with examples, data, and/or other forms of proof you can offer (make use of credible sources)
• Discussion – interpret the implications of the analysis (make use of credible sources)
• Conclusion – summarize key points, restate general conclusion (thesis), and answer questions from the audience
The group will have 15 minutes to present, and each member must participate in the delivery.

50% – presentation
50% – peer grades (this will be a composite score of each group member’s assessment of your contribution to the project)

5:Business Studies

write an analysis report, the company name is Tampa Electric, http://www.tampaelectric.com/
You only need to responsible for business-level strategy and soundness analysis.( two parts , each part requires 6 pages)
In the attached document, the power point shows you the outline of the paper, such as using which format.


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