Post has three assignments
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Assignment has two parts 2000 (+-10%) words essay and a care plan.
Peer reviewed articles need to be used for essay as primary sources of information and must not be older than ten years. Books and internet websites(Only reliable such as government ones) can be used as well. References have no limit. Please refer to assignment instructions attached.
Care plan has no word limit. refer to FAQ which include template for developing care plan but does not have evaluation part so you may need to look for other books to develop it.
The essay development needs to be around immediate issue or within first 24-48 hours post angioplasty. Same applies to care plan.
require any more information, please ask and I will get back to you straight away.
2: Free Will in The Nicomachean Ethics
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three must be scholarly books and another three must be scholarly journal articles. Out of these six sources two of them must be scholars that we disagree on and critique in our paper. All Claims should be grounded in the texts themselves, in test citations. The topic and everything else is further explained in the term paper prompt that will be attached along with other requirements. .The version of Nicomachean Ethics used in the course is translated by Joe Sachs.
3: Searching for Data
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Describe three unique features of PubMed database that sets this database apart from other evidence-based search engines.
Compare and contrast two additional databases and reference your selected topic ( See topic below) , by using the Cochrane Collaboration and Medline as your search engines.
Topic: P (Problem): Orthopedic patients after knee or hip implant surgery.I (Intervention): Use of anticoagulants C (Comparasion): Use of anticoaguantes versus stocking socks.R (Results): Reduces or increases the risk of developing DVT, or bleeding. s
Determine how you applied the three key questions when deciding which database to use.
care plan