Post has two assignments
Order Description
Watch this short video of the baby laughing (there are many others like this on the net btw that you can look over also, but we are using this one for our discussion and you should refer to him within your paper for me here. You must in other words, use this infant as the one you are commenting on for the purposes of this paper.
Analyze the laughing across these realms of development — use these topics as subheads, like this “Social Development” and so forth. Then carefully observe the video and write how this interaction is related to this infant’s social development. Be specific, build up several ideas if possible. The paper has a minimum of Three double spaced pages and a maximum of Five.
Please use these categories as subheadings in your paper.
Social Development
Emotional Development
Cognitive Development
Family Development
Gender Development
Physical Development
refer to this information on this website to use APA style for the paper formatting.
2: Deborah Tannen
Order Description
elect a person from the list below, that has contributed to the field of management theory and complete the following requirements:
write a 3-4 page paper (page count does not include title and reference pages) in APA format that responds to the following points:
1. Who is your person?
2. Summarize the main points of the contribution or what they are known for.
3. Your reaction; do you agree or disagree with their work and ideas?
4. Application: how would you use this as a manager?
5. Use at least 3 scholarly references.
baby video