the post has three assignments
1:short essays
1) explain how maslow’s hierarchy of needs works
2) explain the difference between a targeted marketing strategy and a mass marketing strategy
List and describe the five types of B2B offerings
2:Critically evaluate the hypothesis that there is a Natural Rate of Unemployment. What are the policy implications of your analysis?
Order Description
Put in thesis statement that there is a natural rate of unemployement and that there is policy implications such as …(I don t know what are policy implication of natural rate yet lol)
use all my sources such as
after use this book from page 154 for natural rate or from page 147 for the philips curve
after chapter 23 of paul krugman book
you can also draw the philips curve in relation to the question and expalain it in a small paragraph
use plenty of in-text citation and include like 2-3 quotes with a sentence explaining them right after them. Don t use sophisticated english language and complicated sentences.
3: HRM Context in Different counties
Order Description
Discuss HRM practises in different regions or countries and evaluate the factors which influence HRM practice in these regions or countries. You are expected to provide the comparative analysis on HRM context and practice in two countries as the evidence to support your arguments. Choosing between China ,India or Germany. Linking it to businesses as examples.
HRM practice