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Lifespan of an elderly – RoyalCustomEssays

Lifespan of an elderly

Traditional healers
September 21, 2018
Employee performance evaluation
September 21, 2018


post carries three assignments

Using at least 3 theories from either Freud, Erikson, Vygotsky, or Piaget, write about an
elderty woman (85 years old) who’s currently looking back at her life. A made up history
should be included (unless you want to make it someone who was related to you). The
main points of this paper will be having sufficient information about this subject’s life
and incorporation and interpretation of the theories you have chosen.

2: Societal Norms

Order Description

The women of Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen: their deviations from societal norms and the way they are critiqued for them.

Pride and Prejudice takes place in a society and in a historical moment that defined women’s roles and abilities narrowly. A woman was expected to be and behave a certain way, and deviations from the social norm were rebuked, often severely. Examine the various female characters and the small and large ways in which they challenge these strict social roles that have been assigned to them. Consider a wide range of characters and multiple transgressions. Be sure to include the consequences of these transgressions. Why would Austen have put these instances in her novel?

3: Case management

Order Description

1) Discuss and critique theories that have contributed to the evolution of case management (systems theory and feminist theory).
2) Analyse the difference between person centered and provider driven models of care in regards to case management.


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