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Economic Profit or Loss Calculation – RoyalCustomEssays

Economic Profit or Loss Calculation

Rawl’s “fairness principle
October 29, 2018
Dimensions Of professional Nursing
October 29, 2018
Economic Profit or Loss Calculation
Q Alternative Formula
Output FC AFC=FC/Q VC AVC = VC/Q ATC=AFC+AVC TC=FC+VC MC= ∆ TC/ ∆ Q MR=P TR=PXQ Economic Profit = TR – TC Profit = (P-ATC)XQ
0 100 100.00
1 100 100.00 90 90.00 190.00 190.00 90.00 131
2 100 50.00 170 85.00 135.00 270.00 80.00 131
3 100 33.33 240 80.00 113.33 340.00 70.00 131
4 100 25.00 300 75.00 100.00 400.00 60.00 131
5 100 20.00 370 74.00 94.00 470.00 70.00 131
6 100 16.67 450 75.00 91.67 550.00 80.00 131
7 100 14.29 540 77.14 91.43 640.00 90.00 131
8 100 12.50 650 81.25 93.75 750.00 110.00 131
9 100 11.11 780 86.67 97.78 880.00 130.00 131
10 100 10.00 930 93.00 103.00 1030.00 150.00 131
Output AFC=FC/Q FC AVC = VC/Q VC ATC=AFC+AVC TC=FC+VC MC= ∆ TC/ ∆ Q MR=P TR=PXQ Economic Profit = TR – TC
0 100 100.00
1 100.00 100 90.00 90 190.00 190.00 90.00 81.00 Market price is $81 instead of $131.
2 50.00 100 85.00 170 135.00 270.00 80.00 81.00 Should the firm still produce?
3 33.33 100 80.00 240 113.33 340.00 70.00 81.00 If so, how much?
4 25.00 100 75.00 300 100.00 400.00 60.00 81.00
5 20.00 100 74.00 370 94.00 470.00 70.00 81.00
6 16.67 100 75.00 450 91.67 550.00 80.00 81.00
7 14.29 100 77.14 540 91.43 640.00 90.00 81.00
8 12.50 100 81.25 650 93.75 750.00 110.00 81.00
9 11.11 100 86.67 780 97.78 880.00 130.00 81.00
10 10.00 100 93.00 930 103.00 1030.00 150.00 81.00
Output AFC=FC/Q FC AVC = VC/Q VC ATC=AFC+AVC TC=FC+VC MC= ∆ TC/ ∆ Q MR=P TR=PXQ Economic Profit = TR – TC
0 100 100.00
1 100.00 100 90.00 90 190.00 190.00 90.00 71.00
2 50.00 100 85.00 170 135.00 270.00 80.00 71.00 Market price is $71 instead of $131.
3 33.33 100 80.00 240 113.33 340.00 70.00 71.00 Should the firm still produce?
4 25.00 100 75.00 300 100.00 400.00 60.00 71.00 If so, how much?
5 20.00 100 74.00 370 94.00 470.00 70.00 71.00
6 16.67 100 75.00 450 91.67 550.00 80.00 71.00
7 14.29 100 77.14 540 91.43 640.00 90.00 71.00
8 12.50 100 81.25 650 93.75 750.00 110.00 71.00
9 11.11 100 86.67 780 97.78 880.00 130.00 71.00
10 10.00 100 93.00 930 103.00 1030.00 150.00 71.00



Extra Credit
Output AFC=FC/Q AVC = VC/Q ATC=AFC+AVC TC = ATC*Q MC= ∆ TC/ ∆ Q P=MR Profit = (P-ATC)XQ
1 60.00 45.00 105.00 56
2 30.00 42.50 72.50 56
3 20.00 40.00 60.00 56
4 15.00 37.50 52.50 56
5 12.00 37.00 49.00 56
6 10.00 37.50 47.50 56
7 8.57 38.57 47.14 56
8 7.50 40.63 48.13 56
9 6.67 43.33 50.00 56
10 6.00 46.50 52.50 56
If P = $56, will this firm produce in the short run?
If so, what will be the profit-maximizing or loss-minimizing output?
What economic profit or loss will the firm realize per unit of output?
If P= $30, repeat those previous questions. Replace 56 in column G by 30 and see.
If P= $41, repeat those previous questions. Replace 56 in column G by 41 and see.


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