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August 8, 2019

what is the fertile crescent and why is it called that

what is the fertile crescent and why is it called that
August 8, 2019

the following 3 forces act through a point P at 0, =45deg,2P at 0x = 180 deg, and P at 0x = 270 deg. Find the equivalent resultant force. See Figure 2.59 (Q5). Ans:

the following 3 forces act through a point P at 0, =45deg,2P at 0x = 180 deg, and P at 0x = 270 deg. Find the […]
August 8, 2019

the following 3 forces act concurrently through a point: a force P acting to the right at 0, =30 deg to the horizontal, a force P acting to the right at 0x=45 deg to the horizontal, and a force P acting to the right at 0x=60 deg to the horizontal. Find the single resultant force that is equivalent to this three-force system. (Ans: 2.93P at 45 deg)

the following 3 forces act concurrently through a point: a force P acting to the right at 0, =30 deg to the horizontal, a force P […]
August 8, 2019

suppose f(x)=1/3x^3 estimate

suppose f(x)=1/3x^3 estimate
August 8, 2019

The components of a force on the x- and the y- axes are 0.50P and 1.50P, respectively. What are the magnitude and direction of the force? Answer (1.58P at 0, =71.5d= deg)

The components of a force on the x- and the y- axes are 0.50P and 1.50P, respectively. What are the magnitude and direction of the force? […]
August 8, 2019

A force of P defined by the angle 0,= 75 deg to the horizontal acts through a point. What are the components of this force on the x- and y- axes? (See figure 2.59Q1) Answer= Px=0.26P,Py=0.97P

A force of P defined by the angle 0,= 75 deg to the horizontal acts through a point. What are the components of this force on […]
August 8, 2019

why did liesel insist on participating in the reading examination? why didit end in disaster?

why did liesel insist on participating in the reading examination? why didit end in disaster?
August 8, 2019

Web caching / Networks

Question We have all learned about web caching that it reduces the average access time to the Internet. However, we may notice an increase in the […]
August 8, 2019

Interstellar space contains mostly hydrogen atoms at a concentration of about 1atom/cm^3. The temperature is 3.00K. a) Calulate

Interstellar space contains mostly hydrogen atoms at a concentration of about 1atom/cm^3. The temperature is 3.00K. a) Calulate
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